A.2.3.14  DMA-Related Functions

A NIC driver calls DMA-related functions of the NDIS interface library for DMA operations between the host and the network interface card. These functions support maximized portability so the driver can run on both x86 and RISC-based architectures. Table A.2.17 defines these functions.

Table A.2.17    DMA-Related Functions

Function Definition
NdisAllocateDmaChannel Sets up a DMA channel for future DMA operations.
NdisCompleteDmaTransfer Indicates that a DMA transfer has completed and resets the host DMA controller for further transfers.
NdisFreeDmaChannel Frees a DMA channel that NdisAllocateDmaChannel has allocated.
NdisReadDmaCounter Retrieves the number of bytes remaining in the current DMA transfer.
NdisSetupDmaTransfer Prepares the host DMA controller for a DMA transfer.