B.8.2  Loading Windows NT Drivers

Windows NT drivers are loaded either:

1.At system boot

2.Dynamically by the Win32 Service Controller

The second method is recommended. Either method requires setting up the Registry.

The streams.sys driver must be loaded prior to any driver that calls a StrmRegister* function. The path for this driver is:


The dynamic link library that provides the user-level stream head API functions is winstrm.dll, accessed by the following path:


In the following example, the Tcpipsys section of the Registry is for the driver containing the STREAMS stack. The Tcpip section is for the user-level plumbing daemon.

Example: Registry Parameters for TCP/IP Configuration






                    Type = KernelDriver

                    Start = DemandLoad

                    ErrorControl = ErrorNormal

                    DependOnService = REG_MULTI_SZ "Streams"

                    ImagePath = REG_EXPAND_SZ




                    Type = Win32ServiceShareProcess

                    Start = DemandLoad

                    ErrorControl = ErrorNormal

                    ImagePath = REG_EXPAND_SZ


                    DependOnService = REG_MULTI_SZ "Tcpipsys"

                    ObjectName = REG_SZ LocalSystem


                        DefaultGateway =

                        DatabasePath = REG_EXPAND_SZ
