WORD cbSize;
WORD Flags;
LPTSTR pTitle;
HWND hWndParent;
union {
HICON hIcon;
The PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER structure contains caller-specific details required by the CPSUI to display the property sheet’s dialog boxes.
Size in bytes of this structure.
Bitmask in which the caller can return a bitwise OR of any of the following flags.
Flag | Description |
PSUIHDRF_NOAPPLYNOW | The CPSUI should remove the Apply Now button. |
PSUIHDRF_PROPTITLE | The CPSUI should append the word “Properties” to the title bar string. |
PSUIHDRF_USEHICON | The hIcon union field is a valid handle to an icon that CPSUI should use. |
PSUIHDRF_DEFTITLE | The CPSUI should include “Default” in the title bar string. CPSUI adds “Default” after pTitle, and, if PSUIHDRF_PROPTITLE is set, before “Properties”. |
Pointer to a null-terminated string to be used on the property sheet’s title bar, or a resource ID.
Handle to the window that is the parent of the property sheet. If this parameter is null, the CPSUI uses the currently active window of the calling thread.
Handle to the driver’s instance of itself. The CPSUI uses this handle to load the driver’s icon and other other resources.
Handle to the icon that the CPSUI should put on the property sheet’s title bar. The CPSUI uses this field when the PSUIHDRF_USEICON bit is set in Flags.
Specifies the resource ID of the icon that the CPSUI should put on the property sheet’s title bar. The CPSUI uses this field when the PSUIHDRF_USEICON bit is not set in Flags.
The CPSUI allocates and initializes a PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER structure when a property sheet has been requested. It passes this structure to the caller’s PFNPROPSHEETUI callback to fill with information needed for the property sheet’s title bar. The CPSUI calls the callback with the Reason member of pPSUIInfo set to PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_INFO_HEADER; the PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER structure is passed as lParam.
The pTitle parameter is either a pointer to a null-terminated string or an integer value that specifies a resource identifier. If pTitle specifies a resource identifier, its high-order word must be zero and its low-order word must contain the identifier.