
BOOL DrvEnableDirectDraw(
   DHPDEV dhpdev,
   DD_CALLBACKS  *pCallBacks,
   DD_SURFACECALLBACKS  *pSurfaceCallBacks,
   DD_PALETTECALLBACKS  *pPaletteCallBacks

DrvEnableDirectDraw enables hardware for DirectDraw use.



Handle to the PDEV that was returned by the driver’s DrvEnablePDEV routine.


Pointer to a DD_CALLBACKS structure that the driver initializes and returns to the caller.


Pointer to a DD_SURFACECALLBACKS structure that the driver initializes and returns to the caller.


Pointer to a DD_PALETTECALLBACKS structure that the driver initializes and returns to the caller.

Return Value

DrvEnableDirectDraw returns TRUE if it succeeds; otherwise, it returns FALSE.


GDI calls DrvEnableDirectDraw to obtain pointers to the DirectDraw callbacks that the driver supports. The driver should set the function pointer members of DD_CALLBACKS, DD_SURFACECALLBACKS, and DD_PALETTECALLSBACKS to point to those functions that it implements. A driver should also set the corresponding bit fields in the dwFlags members of these structures for all supported callbacks.

A driver’s DrvEnableDirectDraw implementation can also dedicate hardware resources, such as video memory, for use by DirectDraw only.

See Also
