Command Table Entry Types

Following is a list of command table entry types that can be used for constructing a command table. All of these types are defined as single word values.

Entry Type Purpose
MCI_COMMAND_HEAD First entry for each command. String identifies command. Longword contains MCI message constant.
MCI_CONSTANT Introduces a set of constant command modifiers. String and longword identify structure member in which constant value is stored.
MCI_END_COMMAND Last entry for each command. String and longword values are null.
MCI_END_COMMAND_LIST Last entry in a command table. String and longword values are null.
MCI_END_CONSTANT Ends a constant set. String and longword values are null.
MCI_FLAG Defines a command modifier that does not require associated data structure storage. String and longword values identify the modifier.
MCI_HDC Defines a command modifier that accepts an HDC argument. String defines modifier name. Longword identifies data structure member in which HDC value is stored. Also used to specify return type with MCI_RETURN.
MCI_HPAL Defines a command modifier that accepts an HPAL argument. String defines modifier name. Longword identifies data structure member in which HPAL value is stored. Also used to specify return type with MCI_RETURN.
MCI_HWND Defines a command modifier that accepts an HWND argument. String defines modifier name. Longword identifies data structure member in which HWND value is stored. Also used to specify return type with MCI_RETURN.
MCI_INTEGER Defines a command modifier that accepts an integer argument. String defines modifier name. Longword identifies data structure member in which integer is stored. Also used to specify return type with MCI_RETURN.
MCI_RECT Defines a command modifier that accepts a RECT argument. String defines modifier name. Longword identifies data structure member in which RECT value is stored. Also used to specify return type with MCI_RETURN.
MCI_RETURN Declares that command returns a value. String value is null. Longword identifies the return value's type, which can be MCI_INTEGER, MCI_HDC, MCI_HPAL, MCI_HWND, MCI_RECT, or MCI_STRING.
MCI_STRING Defines a command modifier that accepts a string pointer argument. String in command table defines modifier name. Longword identifies data structure member in which string pointer argument is stored. Also used to specify return type with MCI_RETURN.