Cursor Movement Dialog Box

Each printer provides a unique set of commands that control the vertical and horizontal movement of the cursor or print head across the page. These commands are called cursor-movement commands. Some of these commands move the cursor with respect to the current position, or with respect to the page origin, and require information about the distance to be moved. Some of these commands move the cursor a fixed distance. These commands include the carriage return, linefeed, and formfeed. On some printers, the cursor-movement commands are somewhat primitive; for example, horizontal movement can only be achieved by sending a space character from a particular font. On other printers, a single command is available to move the cursor in both horizontal and vertical direction. The coordinate system used by cursor movement commands is based on the origin at the upper-left corner of the page. "Positive" movement is considered to be moving down the page (for y-movement commands), or moving to the right (for x-movement commands).

Select Control Info/CursorMove... from the Printer Data menu to access the Cursor Movement dialog box. The Cursor Movement dialog box contains controls in which you specify the cursor-movement commands and other related information that the Universal Printer Driver requires.

Define the cursor-movement commands in the list box at the top of the Cursor Movement dialog box. Use the scroll bar to scroll through the list boxes and locate the needed commands. When complete, indicate the printer horizontal and vertical movement capabilities using the fXMove and fYMove capability bitwords.

Note For some of the following commands, the corresponding Units dialog box contains values that RasDD uses to calculate the argument(s) for the related command as specified.


The CM_OCD_XM_ABS command defines the horizontally cursor movement with respect to the page origin.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support this command. The CM_OCD_XM_ABS box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Horizontal Cursor Positioning command (esc*pnX). The variable n specifies a horizontal distance in 1/300 inch units.

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_XM_ABS box:



The CM_OCD_XM_REL command defines the horizontal cursor movement with respect to the current position. By default, RasDD assumes that the CM_OCD_XM_REL command moves the cursor to the right of the current position.

If your printer uses a command that allows movement to either the left or right of the current position, set the CM_XM_REL_LEFT bit in the CURSORMOVE fXMove dialog box.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support this command. The CM_OCD_XM_REL box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Horizontal Cursor Positioning command (esc*p+nX). The plus sign (+) indicates that the movement is in the positive x-direction relative to the current cursor location. The variable n specifies a distance in 1/300 inch units.

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_XM_ABS box:



The CM_OCD_XM_RELLEFT command defines the horizontal cursor movement in the negative x-direction relative to the current cursor position. This command is provided for printers that support different cursor-movement commands.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support this command. The CM_OCD_XM_RELLEFT box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Horizontal Cursor Positioning command (esc*p-nX). The minus sign (-) indicates that the movement is in the negative x-direction relative to the current cursor location. The variable n specifies the distance of movement in 1/300 inch units.

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_XM_RELLEFT box:



The CM_OCD_YM_ABS command defines the vertical cursor movement with respect to the page origin.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support this command. The CM_OCD_YM_ABS box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Vertical Cursor Positioning command (esc*pnY). The variable n specifies the distance of movement in 1/300 inch units.

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_YM_ABS box:



The CM_OCD_YM_REL command defines the cursor movement in the positive y-direction with respect to the current position.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Immediate Line Feed command (escJn) to move the cursor by n units in the positive y-direction with respect to the current cursor location. The variable n specifies the distance of movement in 1/288 inch units.

To specify the command, type the following in the CMD_OCD_YM_REL box:


HP LaserJet IIP: Use the relative Vertical Cursor Positioning command (esc*p+nY) to move the cursor by n units in the positive y-direction with respect to the current cursor location. The variable n specifies the distance of movement in 1/300 inch units.

To specify the command, type the following in the CMD_OCD_YM_REL box:



The CM_OCD_YM_RELUP command defines the cursor movement in the negative y-direction with respect to the current position.

Note The minidriver cannot use the CM_OCD_YM_RELUP cursor movement command with a nonlaser printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support this command. The CM_OCD_YM_RELUP box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Use the relative Vertical Cursor Positioning command (esc*p-nY) to move the cursor by n units in the negative y-direction with respect to the current cursor location. The variable n specifies the distance of movement in 1/300 inch units.

To specify the command, type the following into the CMD_OCD_YM_REL box:



The CM_OCD_YM_LINESPACING command sets the line spacing increment value that occurs at each linefeed.

In addition, click the Units button to display the Units dialog box and add the sMax (maximum) values and sMin (minimum) values for command arguments in 1/288 inch increments.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Line Spacing command (esc3n). The variable n specifies a line spacing value in 1/288 inch increments.

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_YM_LINESPACING box:


HP LaserJet IIP: Does not support this command. The CM_OCD_YM_LINESPACING box is empty.


(This command is not supported by RasDD.)


The CM_OCD_XY_ABS box contains the printer command or commands that move the cursor vertically and horizontally with respect to the page origin. Click the Units button to display the Units dialog box, which contains values that must be added to command arguments, maximum values for command arguments, and minimum values for command arguments. This command is not supported by RasDD.


The CM_OCD_CR command defines a carriage return.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Carriage Return command (0x0D).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_CR box:


HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Carriage Return command (0x0D).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_CR box:



The CM_OCD_LF command defines a linefeed.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Line Feed command (0x0A).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_LF box:


HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Line Feed command (0x0A).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_LF box:



The CM_OCD_FF command defines a formfeed.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Form Feed command (0x0C).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_FF box:


HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Form Feed command (0x0C).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_FF box:



The CM_OCD_BS command defines a backspace. This command is only required for printers that support device fonts using byte-paired CTTs. For more information about CTTs, see Character-Translation Table.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Backspace command (0x08) to move the cursor in the negative x-direction by the width of the current font's space character.

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_BS box:


HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Backspace command (0x08) to move the cursor in the negative x-direction by the width of the current font's space character.

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_BS box:



The CM_OCD_UNI_DIR command enables unidirectional printing.

Note The RES_BO_UNIDIR box in the fBlockOut dialog box must be checked. If this box is not checked, RasDD ignores these commands. The fBlockOut dialog box is contained in the RESOLUTION dialog box.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Unidirectional Printing On command (escU1).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_UNI_DIR box:


HP LaserJet IIP: Does not support this command. The CM_OCD_UNI_DIR box is empty.


The CM_OCD_UNI_DIR_OFF command disables unidirectional printing.

Note The RES_BO_UNIDIR box in the fBlockOut dialog box must be checked. If this box is not checked, RasDD ignores these commands. The fBlockOut dialog box is contained in the RESOLUTION dialog box.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Unidirectional Printing Off command (escU0).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_UNI_DIR_OFF box:


HP LaserJet IIP: Does not support this command. The CM_OCD_UNI_DIR_OFF box is empty.


The CM_OCD_PUSH_POS command pushes the current position onto the printer's internal stack.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not provide an internal stack for printer commands. The CM_OCD_PUSH_POS box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Push Cursor Position command (esc&f0S).

To specify the command, type the following string in the CM_OCD_PUSH_POS box:



The CM_OCD_POP_POS command pops the current position off of the printer's internal stack.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not provide an internal stack for printer commands. The CM_OCD_POP_POS box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Pop Cursor Position command (esc&f1S).

To specify the command, type the following in the CM_OCD_POP_POS box:


General Cursor Movement Dialog Box

(Not currently supported.)

Horizontal Movement Dialog Box

(Not currently supported.)

Vertical Movement Dialog Box

Click the fYMove button to display the fYMove from Cursor Movement dialog box.The fYMove dialog box contains controls that you use to specify the vertical cursor-movement capabilities for a printer as follows:

Control Description
CM_YM_FAV_ABS RasDD sends absolute rather than relative y-movement commands.
CM_YM_REL_UP The printer's relative y-movement command moves the print head in both the positive and the negative y-direction.
CM_YM_NO_POR_GRX Printer should exit portrait grx-mode before doing y-movement.
CM_YM_NO_LAN_GRX Printer should exit landscape grx-mode before doing y-movement.
CM_YM_CR RasDD sends a carriage-return command to the printer before sending any y-movement commands.
CM_YM_LINESPACING RasDD uses the line spacing command for vertical movement.
CM_YM_TRUNCATE (not supported in Windows NT)
CM_YM_RES_DEPENDENT The Y movement command in the CURSORMOVE structure specifies movement in units of the current resolution. (Most commands are in master units, but some devices can only move in terms of the current resolution.)

Diconix 150 Plus: Check the CM_YM_CR box and the CM_YM_LINESPACING box.

HP LaserJet IIP: Check the CM_YM_FAV_ABS box and the CM_YM_NO_LAN_GRX box.