1.7 Driver-managed Queues


Initializes a variable of type KSPIN_LOCK. An initialized spin lock is a required parameter to the Ex..InterlockedList routines.


Sets up a queue header for a driver's internal queue, given a pointer to driver-supplied storage for the queue header and queue. An initialized queue header is a required parameter to the ExInterlockedInsert/Remove..List routines.


Inserts an entry at the tail of a doubly linked list, using a spin lock to ensure multiprocessor-safe access to the list and atomic modification of the list links.


Inserts an entry at the head of a doubly linked list, using a spin lock to ensure multiprocessor-safe access to the list and atomic modification of the list links.


Removes an entry from the head of a doubly linked list, using a spin lock to ensure multiprocessor-safe access to the list and atomic modification of the list links.


Removes an entry from the head of a singly linked list as an atomic operation, using a spin lock to ensure multiprocessor-safe access to the list.


Inserts an entry at the head of a singly linked list as an atomic operation, using a spin lock to ensure multiprocessor-safe access to the list.


Returns whether a queue is empty, given its initialized list head. (This type of doubly linked list is not protected by a spin lock, unless the caller explicitly manages synchronization to queued entries with an initialized spin lock for which the caller supplies the storage.)


Queues an entry at the end of the list.


Queues an entry at the head of the list.


Dequeues an entry at the head of the list.


Dequeues an entry at the end of the list.


Returns whether a given entry is in the given list and dequeues the entry if it is.


Inserts an entry into the queue. (This type of singly linked list is not protected by a spin lock, unless the caller explicitly manages synchronization to queued entries with an initialized spin lock for which the caller supplies the storage.)


Removes an entry from the queue.


Initializes a device queue object to a not-busy state, setting up an associated spin lock for multiprocessor-safe access to device queue entries.


Acquires the device queue spin lock and queues an entry to a device driver if the device queue is not empty; otherwise, inserts the entry at the tail of the device queue.


Acquires the device queue spin lock and queues an entry to a device driver if the device queue is not empty; otherwise, inserts the entry into the queue according to the given sort-key value.


Removes an entry from the head of a given device queue.


Removes an entry, selected according to the specified sort-key value, from the given device queue.


Determines whether a given entry is in the given device queue and, if so, dequeues the entry.