
LONG DrvDocumentPropertySheets(


DrvDocumentPropertySheets adds the driver's document property pages to the specified property sheet.



Pointer to a PROPSHEETUI_INFO structure containing the information necessary to call back to the CPSUI for the actual property sheet construction.


Pointer to a DOCUMENTPROPERTYHEADER structure.

Return Value

DrvDocumentPropertySheets returns a value greater than zero if it succeeds; it returns a value equal to or less than zero if it fails.


DrvDocumentPropertySheets is called when a user requests that a printer's document properties be displayed and/or updated.

If pPSUIInfo is null, the caller is the spooler, so the driver need not call the CPSUI because no user interface is required. Instead, the driver should perform the operation requested in the fMode member of the DOCUMENTPROPERTYHEADER structure. If fMode is zero or the pdmOut member is null, the driver should simply return the size in bytes of its DEVMODE structure.

If pPSUIInfo is not null, the caller is the CPSUI. In this situation, DrvDocumentPropertySheets should follow the implementation guidelines laid out in PFNPROPSHEETUI. This function allows vendors to provide device-specific document property information to the CPSUI for inclusion as a page on a common property sheet.