
PATHOBJ *EngCreatePath(VOID)

EngCreatePath allocates a path for the driver's temporary use. The driver should delete this path before returning to GDI from its current drawing call.

Return Value

The return value is a pointer to a PATHOBJ structure if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is null, and an error code is logged.


Functions that create and modify paths are provided to assist vector devices in filling complex areas. In response to a call to DrvPaint, a vector driver can create a path, fill it with lines to describe its brush, and pass the path to PATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines for clipping against the complex region.

A PATHOBJ is a locked object, and thus should not be locked for a long time by the driver.

If the driver uses EngCreatePath to create a PATHOBJ, it should be deleted by using EngDeletePath as soon as the driver finishes with it.

The returned PATHOBJ is used in calls to PATHOBJ_bMoveTo, PATHOBJ_bPolyLineTo, PATHOBJ_vEnumStartClipLines, and PATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines

See Also

DrvPaint, PATHOBJ, PATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines