
BOOLEAN HwVidInitialize(

PVOID HwDeviceExtension

Every video miniport driver must have a HwVidInitialize function.



Points to the miniport driver's per-adapter storage area.

Return Value

If the initialization succeeds, HwVidInitialize returns TRUE.


HwVidInitialize performs the first initialization of the adapter, after the HAL has given up control of the video hardware to the video port driver. The port driver calls HwVidInitialize in response to an open request by the corresponding display driver.

As soon as HwVidInitialize is called, the miniport driver can change the state of the adapter, unlike the miniport's HwFindAdapter function, which must leave the adapter in VGA mode. On return from HwVidInitialize, the adapter must be initialized to a state equivalent to that set up by the miniport's HwVidResetHw function. This feature is used by autodetection to get mode information from the miniport.

See Also

HwVidFindAdapter, HwVidResetHw