typedef struct {

DWORD dwFlags;

LPVOID lpFormat;

LPVOID lpData;

DWORD cbData;

LONG lTime;


The ICDRAW structure is used with the ICM_DRAW message to specify the parameters for drawing video data to the screen.



Specifies the flags from the AVI file index. The following flags are defined:

Flag Meaning
ICDRAW_HURRYUP Indicates the data is just buffered and not drawn to the screen. Use this flag for the fastest decompression.
ICDRAW_UPDATE Indicates the driver should update the screen based on data previously received. In this case, the lpData parameter should be ignored.
ICDRAW_PREROLL Indicates that this frame of video occurs before actual playback should start. For instance, if playback is to begin on frame 10, and frame 0 is the nearest previous key frame, frames 0 through 9 are sent to the driver with the ICDRAW_PREROLL flag set. The driver needs this data so it can display frame 10 properly, but frames 0 through 9 need not be individually displayed.
ICDRAW_NULLFRAME Indicates the previous frame should be repeated.
ICDRAW_NOTKEYFRAME Indicates the image is not a key frame.


Specifies a pointer to a structure containing the data format. For video, this is a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.


Specifies the data to be rendered.


Specifies the number of bytes of data to be rendered.


Specifies the time, in samples, when this data should be drawn. For video data, this is usually a frame number. See dwRate and dwScale of the ICDRAW structure for details.