typedef struct {

DWORD dwSize;

DWORD fccType;

DWORD fccHandler;

DWORD dwFlags;

DWORD dwVersion;

DWORD dwVersionICM;

char szName[16];

char szDescription[128];

char szDriver[128];


The ICINFO structure is filled by a video compression driver when it receives the ICM_GETINFO message.



Should be set to the size of the ICINFO structure.


Specifies a four-character code representing the type of stream being compressed or decompressed. Set this to 'vidc' for video streams.


Specifies a four-character code identifying a specific compressor.


Specifies any flags. The following flags are defined for video compressors:

Flag Meaning
VIDCF_QUALITY Indicates the driver supports quality values.
VIDCF_CRUNCH Indicates the driver supports crunching to a frame size.
VIDCF_TEMPORAL Indicates the driver supports interframe compression.
VIDCF_DRAW Indicates the driver supports drawing.
VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALC Indicates the driver can do temporal compression and doesn't need the previous frame.
VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALD Indicates the driver can do temporal decompression and doesn't need the previous frame.
VIDCF_COMPRESSFRAMES Indicates the driver wants the "compress all frames" message.


Specifies the version number of the driver.


Specifies the version of the ICM supported by this driver; it should be set to ICVERSION.


Specifies the short name for the compressor. The name in the zero-terminated string should be suitable for use in list boxes.


Specifies a zero-terminated string containing the long name for the compressor.


Specifies a zero-terminated string for the module that contains the driver. Typically, a driver will not need to fill this out.