typedef struct _IFIMETRICS {

ULONG cjThis;

ULONG ulVersion;

PTRDIFF dpwszFamilyName;

PTRDIFF dpwszStyleName;

PTRDIFF dpwszFaceName;

PTRDIFF dpwszUniqueName;

PTRDIFF dpFontSim;

LONG lEmbedId;

LONG lItalicAngle;

LONG lCharBias;

PTRDIFF dpCharSets;

BYTE jWinCharSet;

BYTE jWinPitchAndFamily;

USHORT usWinWeight;

ULONG flInfo;

USHORT fsSelection;

USHORT fsType;

FWORD fwdUnitsPerEm;

FWORD fwdLowestPPEm;

FWORD fwdWinAscender;

FWORD fwdWinDescender;

FWORD fwdMacAscender;

FWORD fwdMacDescender;

FWORD fwdMacLineGap;

FWORD fwdTypoAscender;

FWORD fwdTypoDescender;

FWORD fwdTypoLineGap;

FWORD fwdAveCharWidth;

FWORD fwdMaxCharInc;

FWORD fwdCapHeight;

FWORD fwdXHeight;

FWORD fwdSubScriptXSize;

FWORD fwdSubScriptYSize;

FWORD fwdSubScriptXOffset;

FWORD fwdSubScriptYOffset;

FWORD fwdSuperScriptXSize;

FWORD fwdSuperScriptYSize;

FWORD fwdSuperScriptXOffset;

FWORD fwdSuperScriptYOffset;

FWORD fwdUnderscoreSize;

FWORD fwdUnderscorePosition;

FWORD fwdStrikeoutSize;

FWORD fwdStrikeoutPosition;

BYTE chFirstChar;

BYTE chLastChar;

BYTE chDefaultChar;

BYTE chBreakChar;

WCHAR wcFirstChar;

WCHAR wcLastChar;

WCHAR wcDefaultChar;

WCHAR wcBreakChar;

POINTL ptlBaseline;

POINTL ptlAspect;

POINTL ptlCaret;

RECTL rclFontBox;

BYTE achVendId[4];

ULONG cKerningPairs;

ULONG ulPanoseCulture;

PANOSE panose;


The IFIMETRICS structure defines all the information for a given typeface that GDI can understand. Most of the members are FWORD values, which are signed 16-bit quantities in design space. If the font is a raster font, design space and device space are the same and a font unit is equivalent to the distance between pixels.



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this structure, including any Unicode strings appended to the end.


Must be set to 0x000000001 for this version.


Specifies the offset in bytes to a zero-terminated Unicode string containing the family name of the font (for example, "Times Roman"). Generally, this string immediately follows the IFIMETRICS structure. This string should be the same as the name recorded in the lfFaceName member of the LOGFONT structure.


Specifies the offset, in bytes, to a zero-terminated Unicode string describing the style of the font (for example, "Bold").


Specifies the offset, in bytes, to a zero-terminated Unicode string representing the unique and complete name of the font. The name contains the family and subfamily names of the font (for example, "Times New Roman Bold").


Specifies the offset, in bytes, to a zero-terminated Unicode string representing the unique identifier of the font (for example, "Monotype:Times New Roman:1990").


This member must be set to zero for this version of Windows NT.


The Embedding ID of the font. This is TrueType specific and should be set to zero by all other font providers.


Specifies the italic angle of the font. It is TrueType-specific and should be set to zero by all other font providers.


Specifies the character bias. This value is TrueType-specific and should be set to zero by all other font providers.


Pointer to a reserved 32-bit values. For this version of Windows NT, this must be set to zero.


Specifies the character set of the font. This member can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
ANSI_CHARSET This font supports the Windows ANSI character set.
SYMBOL_CHARSET This font supports the Windows symbol character set.
SHIFTJIS_CHARSET This font supports the Shift-JIS character set.
HANGEUL_CHARSET This font supports the Hangeul character set.
CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET This font supports the Chinese Big 5 character set.
OEM_CHARSET This font supports an OEM-specific character set. The OEM character set is system dependent. This is the value to be returned to the application in the lfCharSet member of the LOGFONT structure.


Specifies the pitch of the font. This is the value to be recorded in the lfWeight member of the LOGFONT structure. The two low-order bits specify the pitch of the font and can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
FIXED_PITCH For fixed pitch fonts
VARIABLE_PITCH For variable pitch fonts

Bits 4 through 7 of this member specify the font family and can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
FF_DECORATIVE Novelty fonts, such as Old English.
FF_DONTCARE Don't care or unknown.
FF_MODERN Fonts with constant stroke width (fixed-pitch), with or without serifs. Fixed-pitch fonts are usually modern, such as Pica, Elite, and Courier.
FF_ROMAN Fonts with variable stroke width (proportionally spaced) and with serifs, such as Times Roman, Palatino, and Century Schoolbook.
FF_SCRIPT Fonts designed to look like handwriting, such as Script and Cursive.
FF_SWISS Fonts with variable stroke width (proportionally spaced) and without serifs, such as Helvetica and Swiss.


Specifies the weight of the font in the range 0 to 1000 (for example, 400 is normal and 700 is bold). This value is provided to the application in the lfWeight member of the LOGFONT structure.


Specifies a combination of the following flags:

Value Meaning
Indicates that the font is a TrueType font.
Indicates that the font is a bitmap font.
Indicates that the font is based on a stroked font technology. This flag does not specify whether the paths returned for this font should be filled or stroked; the consumer should examine the FM_INFO_RETURNS_STROKES and FM_INFO_RETURNS_OUTLINES flags for this information.
Indicates that the font is based on a scalable font technology that uses outline paths, but is not based on TrueType. This flag does not specify whether the paths returned for this font should be filled or stroked; the consumer should examine the FM_INFO_RETURNS_STROKES and FM_INFO_RETURNS_OUTLINES flags for this information.
Indicates that a font can be realized under a continuous range of two dimensional linear transformations.
Indicates that a glyph bitmap has a color depth of 1 bit per pixel. This must be set for the first version of Windows NT.
Indicates that all glyphs have nonfractional advance widths. Bitmap fonts usually set this flag.
Indicates that all glyphs of the font under all realizations have the same value of character increment. If this flag is set, the FM_INFO_OPTICALLY_FIXED_PITCH flag must also be set.
Indicates that the supported character set is not contiguous.
Indicates that the font is an embedded font; it is TrueType-specific and should not be set by other font providers.
Indicates that for any glyph supported by the driver, GDI can request a PATHOBJ structure that describes the outline of that glyph. If possible, when the outline is filled using GDI's path filling conventions, the resulting bitmap should be identical to the bitmap returned by the driver. The FM_INFO_RETURNS_OUTLINES and FM_INFO_RETURNS_STOKES flags cannot be set concurrently.
Indicates that for any glyph supported by the drivers, GDI can request a PATHOBJ structure that describes the spline of the glyph. This path cannot be filled but can be stroked to give a representation of the glyph. The FM_INFO_RETURNS_OUTLINES and FM_INFO_RETURNS_STOKES flags cannot be set concurrently.
Indicates that the driver returns bitmaps for any glyph supported by the font.
Indicates that a font is compliant with the Unicode standard.
Indicates that the ascent direction of the font is 90 degrees counterclockwise from the baseline direction. The ascent direction is the direction along which height is measured and is always perpendicular to the baseline direction.
Indicates that the font can be scaled by an integral amount in both the x and y directions. If this flag is set, then the driver must be able to render glyphs in the case where the notional to device transformation is scaled by integral amounts in the x and y directions. GDI requests the integral scaling of a font by including the axial scalings in the notional to device transformation passed to the Driver when creating the font. This flag is meaningful only when the FM_INFO_ARB_XFORMS flag has not been set.
Indicates that the font can be realized in 90 degree rotations of the original notional shape. GDI requests the rotation of a font by including the rotation in the notional to device transformation passed to the driver when creating the font. This member has meaning only when the FM_INFO_ARB_XFORMS flag has not been set.
Indicates that this font is considered typographically as fixed pitch. This is an optical quality of the font and does not necessarily indicate that all the glyphs of the font have the same character increment.
Indicates that this font will not be enumerated by either EnumFontFamilies or EnumFonts. Moreover, under GetTextFace, the string returned to the application will be retrieved from the string dpwszUniqueName. This flag allows the font provider to associate more than one IFIMETRICS structure with one of its fonts.
Indicates that the font supports arbitrary isotropic scaling only. That is, transforms are equivalent to the identity matrix multiplied by a positive real number. If this flag is set, then neither the FM_INFO_ARB_XFORMS nor the FM_INFO_ANISOTROPIC_SCALING_ONLY flags can be set. If the FM_INFO_90DEGREE_ROTATIONS flag is set, the font supports transformations equivalent to an isotropic scaling followed by a rotation by a multiple of 90 degrees.
Indicates that the font supports only arbitrary anisotropic scaling. That is, transforms are equivalent to a diagonal matrix multiplied by a positive real number. If this flag is set, then the FM_INFO_ARB_XFORMS and the FM_INFO_ISOTROPIC_SCALING_ONLY flags cannot be set. If the FM_INFO_90DEGREE_ROTATIONS flag is also set, the font supports transformations that are a combination of a simple anisotropic scaling followed by a rotation by a multiple of 90 degrees.
This flag is used for font embedding; it is TrueType specific and should be set to zero for all other font providers.
Indicates that the dpwszFamilyName offset in IFIMETRICS is actually the offset to a list of equivalent family names or aliases. The first name is the base or real name; the subsequent names are equivalents or aliases. Each name in the list is zero-terminated; the list is terminated by two zeros.

<base name> <0> <alias 1> <0>...<alias n>
<0> <0>

The based names are used only for mapping; they are not enumerated.

Indicates that double-byte characters for this font are fixed pitch. Nothing is implied about single byte characters. This flag is meaningful only for fonts that support a double-byte character set (DBCS), such as shift JIS. Fonts that do not support a DBCS should not set this flag.
Indicates that all glyphs of this font have nonnegative a and c spacing. That is, the glyph black box never extends outside the region bordered by the character origin and the character concatenation point.
Indicates that, for this font, the TC_RA_ABLE flag is ignored.


Specifies a combination of the following flags:

Value Meaning
FM_SEL_ITALIC Set if the characters of the font are italic.
FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE Set if all the characters of the font are underscored by default; otherwise underscoring must be simulated.
FM_SEL_NEGATIVE Set if the characters of the font have the foreground and background reversed.
FM_SEL_OUTLINED Set if the characters of the font are hollow.
FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT Set if the characters of the font are struck out by default; otherwise strikeouts must be simulated.
FM_SEL_BOLD Set if the characters of the font are bold.
FM_SEL_REGULAR Set if the characters of the font are normal weight.


This is a TrueType-specific bit field indicating certain properties for the font, such as font embedding and licensing rights for the font. Embeddable fonts can be stored in a document. When a document with embedded fonts is opened on a system that does not have the font installed (the remote system), the embedded font can be loaded for temporary (and in some cases permanent) use on that system by an embedding-aware application. Embedding licensing rights are granted by the font vendor. The following flags can be set:

Value Meaning
FM_TYPE_LICENSED Set if the font is a Restricted License font. When only this bit is set, this font must not be modified, embedded, or exchanged in any manner without first obtaining permission of the legal owner. For Restricted License embedding to take effect, it must be the only level of embedding selected.
FM_READONLY_EMBED Set if read-write embedding is not permitted; only "preview and print" encapsulation is allowed. When this bit is set, the font can be embedded and temporarily loaded on the remote system. Documents containing "preview and print" fonts must be opened "read-only;" no edits can be applied to the document.
FM_EDITABLE_EMBED Set if the font can be embedded and temporarily loaded on other systems. Documents containing Editable fonts can be opened for reading and writing.

Fonts with the FM_READONLY_EMBED bit set indicate that they can be embedded within documents but must only be installed temporarily on the remote system. Any document that includes an FM_READONLY_EMBED font must be opened "read-only." That is, the application can let the user view and/or print the document, but not edit it.

Fonts with the FM_EDITABLE_EMBED bit set indicate that they can be embedded in documents, but must only be installed temporarily on the remote system. In contrast to FM_READONLY_EMBED fonts, documents containing Editable fonts can be opened "read-write;" editing is permitted, and changes can be saved.

Fonts with no fsType bits set indicate that they can be embedded and permanently installed on the remote system by an application. The user of the remote system acquires the identical rights, obligations, and licenses for that font as the original purchaser of the font, and is subject to the same end-user license agreement, copyright, design patent, and/or trademark as was the original purchaser.

Applications that implement support for font embedding, either through use of the Font Embedding DLL or through other means, must not embed fonts that are not licensed to permit embedding. Further, applications loading embedded fonts for temporary use must delete the fonts when the document containing the embedded font is closed.

If multiple embedding bits are set, the least restrictive license granted takes precedence. For example, if bits 1 and 3 are set, bit 3 takes precedence over bit 1and the font can be embedded with Editable rights. For compatibility purposes, most vendors granting Editable embedding rights also set the Preview & Print bit (0x000C). This permits an application that only supports Preview & Print embedding to detect that font embedding is allowed.


Specifies the em-height of the font.


Specifies the smallest readable size of the font, in pixels. This value is ignored for bitmap fonts.


Specifies the Windows ascender value for the font.


Specifies the Windows descender value for the font.


Specifies the Macintosh ascender value for the font.


Specifies the Macintosh descender value for the font. This number is typically less than zero. It measures the signed displacement from the base line of the lowest descender in the Macintosh character set.


Specifies the Macintosh line gap for the font. The suggested Macintosh interline spacing is equal to fwdMacLineGap + fwdMacAscenderfwdMacDescender.


Specifies the typographic ascender value for the font.


Specifies the typographic descender value for the font. This value specifies the signed displacement of the lowest descender from the baseline.


Specifies the typographic line gap for the font.


Specifies the arithmetic average of the width of all of the 26 lower case letters 'a' through 'z' of the Latin alphabet and the space character. If any of the 26 lowercase letters are not present, then this member should be set equal to the weighted average of all glyphs in the font.


Specifies the maximum character increment of all glyphs in the font.


Specifies the height of the optical line describing the top of the uppercase 'H' in font units (FUnits). This might not be the same as the measured height of the uppercase 'H.' If this information does not exist, fwdCapHeight should be set to zero, which indicates that it is undefined.


Specifies the height of the optical line describing the height of the lowercase 'x' in font units. This might not be the same as the measured height of the lowercase 'x.' A value of zero indicates that this member is undefined.


Specifies the suggested character width (the size along the baseline direction) of the subscript font.


Specifies the suggested character height (the size along the ascender direction) of the subscript font.


Specifies the suggested offset in the baseline direction of the subscript character. The offset is with respect to the character origin of the base character.


Specifies the suggested offset in the baseline direction of the subscript character. The offset is taken from the character origin of the base character.


Specifies the suggested character width (the size along the baseline direction) of the superscript font.


Specifies the suggested character height (the size along the ascender direction) of the superscript font.


Specifies the suggested offset in the baseline direction of the superscript character. The offset is taken from the character origin of the base character.


Specifies the suggested offset in the baseline direction of the superscript character. The offset is taken from the character origin of the base character.


Specifies the suggested width of the underscore bar, in font units.


Specifies the suggested displacement, in font units, from the base line to the middle of the underscore bar.


Specifies the suggested width of the strike-out bar, in font coordinates.


Specifies the suggested displacement of the middle of the strikeout bar from the baseline.


Specifies the lowest supported character in the code page specified in jWinCharSet. This field is provided for Windows 3.1 compatibility.


Specifies the highest supported character in the code page specified in jWinCharSet. This field is provided for Windows 3.1 compatibility.


Specifies the default character in the code page specified in jWinCharSet. This field is provided for Windows 3.1 compatibility.


Specifies the break character in the code page specified in jWinCharSet. This field is provided for Windows 3.1 compatibility.


Specifies the supported character with the smallest Unicode character code.


Specifies the supported character with the largest Unicode character code.


Specifies the character to be substituted when an application requests a character that is not supported by the font.


Specifies the code point of the space character or its equivalent.


Specifies the intended writing direction of this font. For example, a typical Latin font specifies a value of (1,0).


Specifies the aspect ratio of the pixel centers for which the bitmap font was designed. This value is used only by bitmap fonts.


Specifies the direction of the ascender direction of the font. For example, the value for a non-italicized Latin font is (0,1) while an italicized Latin font might specify a value of (2,5).


Specifies the bounding box of all glyphs in the font in design space.


Specifies a four character identifier for the font vendor. Identifiers are documented in the Microsoft TrueType specification.


Specifies the number of kerning pairs associated with this font.


Specifies the manner in which to interpret the panose number. This number should be set to FM_PANOSE_CULTURE_LATIN for Latin-based fonts. See the Win32 SDK for information about the PANOSE structure.


An array of 10 bytes used to describe the visual characteristics of a given typeface. These characteristics are then used to associate the font with other fonts of similar appearance having different names. See the Win32 SDK for information about the PANOSE structure.


The IFIMETRICS structure defines all the information per typeface that GDI understands. Most of the members are FWORD values, which are signed 16-bit quantities in design space. If the font is a raster font, design space and device space are the same and a font unit is equivalent to the distance between pixels.

The coordinate system in the font/notional space is such that the y coordinate increases in an upward direction and the x coordinate increases to the right.

See Also