Initialization and Registration Functions

A miniport driver configures itself using information in the registry and the configuration functions provided by NDIS. The module name that the miniport driver uses in the registry must be unique so that it does not conflict with the module names for other drivers. Keyword names are not restricted because keywords for one module are independent of those for another module. An NDIS keyword is a synonym for the name of a value entry under a registry key.

Function Definition
NdisMInitializeWrapper Initializes the NDIS library data structures for this miniport driver.
NdisMRegisterMiniport Provides the NDIS library with information about the miniport driver.
NdisMSetAttributes Informs the NDIS library of the type of network interface card supported by the miniport driver and passes the handle to the miniport's context area which will be passed in subsequent calls to MiniportXxx functions.
NdisMSetAttributesEx Changes the default NIC timeout behavior as well as passing the same information passed to NdisMSetAttributes. NDIS intermediate drivers must call this function, rather than NdisMSetAttributes.
NdisMQueryInformationComplete Indicates that a prior call to MiniportQueryInformation is complete.
NdisMSetInformationComplete Informs the NDIS library that the previous MiniportSetInformation operation has completed.
NdisOpenConfiguration Opens the registry and obtains a handle to the Parameters key that describes a NIC managed by the driver.
NdisReadConfiguration Uses the Parameters handle obtained by calling NdisOpenConfiguration to read key values stored in the registry at the keyword passed to NdisReadConfiguration.
NdisWriteConfiguration Uses the Parameters handle obtained by calling NdisOpenConfiguration to write key values into the registry at the keyword passed to NdisWriteConfiguration.
NdisCloseConfiguration Closes the handle to the registry that was opened with a call to NdisOpenConfiguration.