The MCI_INFO message requests an MCI driver to return device or driver information.



Driver instance identifier. This is the value returned by the driver in response to the DRV_OPEN message.


Driver handle.




Contains the flags specified by the application.


Specifies a pointer to an MCI_INFO_PARMS structure, or to a customized structure.

Return Value

If the operation succeeds, the driver returns zero. Otherwise, the driver returns one of tbe MCIERR error codes defined in mmsystem.h.


A client sends the message by calling the driver's DriverProc entry point, passing the specified parameters.

A driver tests lParam1 to determine the type of information to return. The driver returns the requested information as a string in a buffer. The buffer's address and size are contained in the structure pointed to by lParam2. Refer to the Win32 SDK description of MCI_INFO to determine the types of information the driver should return.

If the application includes the MCI_INFO_PRODUCT flag, the returned string should include the manufacturer of the hardware and, if possible, model identification information. If a driver applies to a device type instead of a specific device, it should return the string name of the device type.

If a driver extends the MCI_INFO command to request additional information, it should not return information that is returned for the MCI_STATUS command.

See Also

Providing Device Information