MiniDriver Data Dialog Box Messages

Illegal GPC Major Version Number, must be 0<=n<=1

The value in the Major box is not 0 or 1.

Illegal GPC Major Version Number, must be 0<=n<=1

The value in the Minor box is within the specified range (0 - 255).

Structure-Name Conversion error

The new master units resulted in a round-off error after each was divided into a specified member in the MODELDATA, RESOLUTION, PAPER-SIZE, PAPER-SOURCE, CURSOR-MOVEMENT, or RECTANGLE-FILL structures.

For example, if the sLeftMargin box of the ModelData dialog box contains 179, and the horizontal master unit was changed from 360 to 180, the conversion error message appears because 89.5/180 cannot be expressed as an integer. Unitool also replaces the structure identified by Structure-Name with the appropriate string.