
NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle

NdisMFddiIndicateReceiveComplete notifies NDIS that an FDDI receive packet, identified in a preceding call to NdisMFddiIndicateReceive, has been fully transferred by the NIC so that NDIS can notify the appropriate bound protocol drivers.



Specifies the handle originally input to MiniportInitialize.


After any FDDI receive indication, a miniport eventually must call NdisMFddiIndicateReceiveComplete to indicate the end of the transfer operation over the net, even if a particular packet is accepted by no bound protocol.

NdisMFddiIndicateReceiveComplete both indicates the completion of a transfer operation for a receive and notifies any bound protocol that has already consumed the initial indication that it can begin postprocessing the received data.

When a miniport driver calls NdisMFddiIndicateReceiveComplete, NDIS indicates the completion of the receive operation to each such protocol by calling its ProtocolReceiveComplete function.

ProtocolReceiveComplete functions need not operate under the severe time constraints of the corresponding ProtocolReceive functions. However, another receive indication to the ProtocolReceive function can come in while the ProtocolReceiveComplete function is running.

A miniport need not call NdisMFddiIndicateReceiveComplete in one-to-one correspondence with its calls to NdisMFddiIndicateReceive. That is, a NIC driver can issue a single receive-complete indication for some number of receive indications, particularly when network traffic is high. For example, when a miniport is continually indicating receives from the same source, it might call NdisMFddiIndicateReceiveComplete once for every ten indications. On the other hand, a miniport might call NdisMFddiIndicateReceiveComplete once for each indication when network traffic is low so that the driver can regain ownership of the memory it allocated for receives promptly.

Callers of NdisMFddiIndicateReceiveComplete run at IRQL DISPATCH_LEVEL.

See Also

MiniportInitialize, NdisMFddiIndicateReceive, ProtocolReceive, ProtocolReceiveComplete