
OUT PNDIS_HANDLE ConfigurationHandle,
IN PNDIS_STRING ProtocolSection

NdisOpenProtocolConfiguration returns a handle for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
NICDriverInstance\Parameters\ProtocolName registry key.



Points to a caller-supplied variable that is set to NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS or NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE on return from this function.


Points to a caller-supplied variable in which this function returns the handle to the registry key for the named driver to which the caller will bind itself later. Value entries under this key contain protocol-installed, adapter-specific information.


Points to a counted string, specified in the system-default character set, naming the NDIS driver, effectively the adapter, for which the Parameters\ProtocolName key in the registry protocol section should be opened. For Windows NT protocols, this counted string contains Unicode characters.

For NDIS drivers that have a ProtocolBindAdapter function, this pointer is the SystemSpecific1 input parameter to ProtocolBindAdapter.


This function returns a handle that the caller can pass subsequently to the Ndis..Configuration functions to retrieve or store information in the registry.

A protocol driver calls NdisOpenProtocolConfiguration to get a registry key handle to be passed to NdisReadConfiguration or NdisWriteConfiguration if it or its installation script stored adapter-specific configuration information in the protocol section of the registry from which the protocol sets up its bindings.

Windows NT protocols call kernel-mode support routines open their own \DriverName\Parameters registry keys. For more information about these support routines, see the Kernel-Mode Driver Reference.

Callers of NdisOpenProtocolConfiguration run at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.

See Also

NdisCloseConfiguration, NdisInitializeString, NdisInitUnicodeString, NdisReadConfiguration, NdisWriteConfiguration, ProtocolBindAdapter