

OUT PVOID *NetworkAddress,
OUT PUINT NetworkAddressLength,
IN NDIS_HANDLE ConfigurationHandle

NdisReadNetworkAddress returns the software-configurable network address that was stored in the registry for a NIC when it was installed in the machine.



Points to a caller-supplied variable in which this function returns the status of the call as one of the following:


The caller can use the address returned at NetworkAddress for its NIC.


There was no NIC address information available in the caller's registry Parameters key or the value stored was not a string.


Points to a caller-supplied variable in which this function returns a pointer to the buffered network address, stored as a sequence of byte integers, if the call is successful.


Points to a caller-supplied variable in which this function returns the number of bytes returned at NetworkAddress.


Specifies the handle returned by NdisOpenConfiguration.


NdisReadNetworkAddress searches the registry Parameters key designated by the given ConfigurationHandle for the keyword NetworkAddress, converts the value of this string-type entry into a sequence of byte integers, and stores the requested information internally. The storage that NDIS allocates for such an address remains valid until the NIC driver calls NdisCloseConfiguration, which frees the memory.

The caller cannot use the variable at NetworkAddress as a pointer unless NdisReadNetworkAddress returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS at Status.

The installation program for a NIC that supports software-configurable network addressing should store a value entry named with the NetworkAddress keyword in the appropriate ..\DriverName\Parameters key of the registry.

A NIC installer usually stores the value of a NetworkAddress entry in the registry as a string of hexadecimal digits. Optionally, an installer can store such an address as a string of paired digits, with each pair separated from the next by a hyphen. NdisReadNetworkAddress discards hyphens and converts each such pair into a single byte.

In either form, NdisReadNetworkAddress converts the address specified as a string, one character at a time, into the equivalent integer until the string is exhausted.

In the Windows NT registry, such an installed address string contains Unicode characters.

Callers of NdisReadNetworkAddress run at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.

See Also

NdisCloseConfiguration, NdisOpenConfiguration