Paper Sources Dialog Box

A number of sets of paper-source commands can be set up for the minidriver. To specify the paper source commands, select Paper Info/Source... from the Printer Data menu on the minidriver's Printer Data window to access the initial Paper Sources dialog box. Alternately, you can select an existing set of paper source commands by highlighting the desired set of Paper Sources entries to edit on the minidriver's Printer Data window. Then double click on the selection to display the Paper Sources dialog box.

The Paper Sources dialog box is provided as a means to specify paper sources.

The Diconix 150 Plus printer supports two paper sources as follows:

Constant Description
DMBIN_TRACTOR Specifies tractor-feed capabilities.
DMBIN_MANUAL Specifies manual-feed capabilities.

The HP LaserJet IIP printer supports one of the following paper sources:

Constant Description
DMBIN_UPPER/ONLY Specifies upper-paper tray capabilities.
DMBIN_ENVMANUAL Specifies manual envelope-feed capabilities.
DMBIN_MANUAL Specifies manual-feed capabilities.
DMBIN_LOWER Specifies lower-paper tray capabilities.

The examples contained in the following topics are based on the first paper source that was initialized for each minidriver. For the Diconix printer, the first paper source specifies tractor feed. For the HP LaserJet IIP, the first paper source specifies the upper paper tray.

When you finish entering data in the Paper Sources dialog box:

·Click the OK button to accept the additions or changes.

·Click the Add button to add an additional set of commands.

·Use the Previous or Next buttons to page to the preceding or next set of commands.

·Click the Delete button to delete a set of commands.

Predefined/Driver-Defined Paper Sources

The Predefined and Driver Defined options specify whether the data and commands in the Paper Sources dialog box correspond to predefined or driver-defined paper qualities. These options also specify whether the single paper source description presented to the user is selected from the predefined names supplied by RasDD or by the minidriver.

Diconix 150 Plus: Set the Predefined button

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.

Predefined Paper Source

If the Predefined button is set, click the adjacent Source Name dropdown list box and select the name of a single paper source as follows:

Paper Source Description
DMBIN_UPPER/ONLY Upper paper tray
DMBIN_LOWER Lower paper tray
DMBIN_MIDDLE Middle paper tray
DMBIN_MANUAL Manual feed
DMBIN_ENVELOPE Envelope feed
DMBIN_ENVMANUAL Manual envelope feed
DMBIN_AUTO Automatic sheet feeder
DMBIN_TRACTOR Tractor feed
DMBIN_SMALLFMT Small format paper
DMBIN_LARGEFMT Large format paper
DMBIN_LARGECAPACITY Large capacity paper tray
DMBIN_CASSETTE Paper cassette
DMBIN_ROLL Paper roll
DMBIN_USER User-defined paper source

Diconix 150 Plus: Select DMBIN_TRACTOR. The primary paper source is the tractor-feed mechanism.

HP LaserJet IIP: Select DMBIN_UPPER/ONLY. The primary paper source is the upper-paper tray.

Note When DMBIN_UPPER/ONLY is selected, click the fPaperType button to display the Paper Types dialog box and check the appropriate box for the paper size.

Driver-Defined Paper Source

The Driver Defined Source Name textbox is provided for a printer that uses a driver-defined paper source not identified in the list of predefined selections. If the Driver Defined button is set, enter the adjacent Source Name to describe the name of the paper source.

Diconix 150 Plus: The paper source is predefined. This box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.

Paper Source Select String

The Select String command selects the paper source identified in the Paper Sources dialog box.

Diconix 150 Plus: The default paper source uses the tractor-feed mechanism and does not require selection.

HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Paper Source command (esc&l1H) to designates that the upper-paper tray is the paper source.

To specify the command, type the following in the Select String box:


Unprintable Regions

The Unprintable Regions control specifies the height of the unprintable regions at the top and bottom of a page of paper. These values specify the amount of space that becomes unprintable due to the paper-feed mechanism. Typically, sheet feeders are the only type of paper source that introduces an unprintable region. (These values are not the same values entered in the Paper Sizes dialog box.)

Diconix 150 Plus: Use -1 for the Top and Bottom boxes. The paper feed mechanism does not create a unique unprintable region.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.

Bin Adjustment

(Not currently supported)

General Paper-Source Dialog Box

Click the fGeneral button to display the fGeneral from Paper Sources dialog box. The controls in this dialog box specify general information relating to the paper-source selection as follows:

Control Description
PSRC_EJECTFF Check the box if the printer ejects a page of paper by sending a form-feed command. The check box is not selected if the printer ejects the page by sending y-movement commands.
PRSC_MAN_PROMPT Check the box if the user is to be prompted to insert a new piece of paper before printing each page.

Diconix 150 Plus: Check the PSRC_EJECTFF box.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.

Paper Types Dialog Box

Click the fPaperTypes button to display the fPaperTypes from Paper Sources dialog box. This dialog box matches sizes paper sizes (legal, letter, and so on) to paper sources (trays, bins, or other paper feed mechanisms).

The corresponding bit must be set in both the PAPERSOURCE data structure and the PAPERSIZE data structure for the combination to be valid. The name assigned to each bit is provided for convenience.

The four controls in this dialog box specify the paper size according to the paper source as follows:

Control Description
PS_T_STD Standard paper
PS_T_LARGE Large paper
PS_T_ENV Envelope
PS_T_LRGENV Large envelope
PS_T_ROLL Paper roll

Diconix 150 Plus: Check the PS_T_STD box for the 8.5 by 11 inch paper size. (This control is also selected for the tractor feed and sheet feed paper sources in the Paper Sources dialog box.)

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.