Resolution Dialog Box Messages

Every RESOLUTION must have a format string

The a format string for the selected resolution is not entered.

minidriver name Illegal Text X DPI value

An invalid horizontal text resolution is entered.

minidriver name Illegal Text Y DPI value

an invalid vertical text resolution is entered.

minidriver name Illegal Graphics X DPI value

An invalid horizontal graphics resolution is entered.

minidriver name Illegal Graphics Y DPI value

An invalid vertical graphics resolution is entered.

minidriver name: sMinBlankSkip must be >= 0

An invalid value is entered in the sMinBlankSkip box.

minidriver name :sMinBlankSkip should be > 0

An invalid value is entered in the sMinBlankSkip box and the RES_BO_ENCLOSED_BLNKS box is checked in the fBlockOut dialog box.

minidriver name: sNPins must be 1,8,16,32,40,48...

An invalid value is entered in the sNPins box.

minidriver name: sPinsPerPass must be 1,8,16,32,40,48...

An invalid value is entered in the sPinsPerPass box.

minidriver name: Spot Diameters must be > 0

A negative value is entered in the sSpotDiameter box.

minidriver name: RES_DM_GDI conflicts with sNPins or sPinsPerPass

A value greater than 1 is entered for sNPins or sPinsPerPass and the RES_DM_GDI box is checked in the fBlockOut dialog box.

minidriver name: Unknown iDitherBrush

An undefined value is entered in the iDitherBrush box.