Sample Audio Drivers

This DDK includes the source code for the following audio drivers and libraries:

Driver or Library Location of Source Files
User mode audio driver library
(see Using drvlib.lib.)
Standard user-mode audio driver \ddk\src\mmedia\mmdrv
Media Vision ProAudio Spectrum 16 driver \ddk\src\mmedia\mvaudio
Creative Labs Sound Blaster driver \ddk\src\mmedia\sndblst
Windows sound system driver \ddk\src\mmedia\sndsys
Kernel-mode driver library
(see Using soundlib.lib.)
Ad Lib and OPL3 MIDI synthesizer driver \ddk\src\mmedia\synth
User-mode synthesizer driver library
(see Using synthlib.lib.)

For the driver samples, code for both the user-mode and the kernel-mode driver is provided. Under the listed driver directory, a \dll subdirectory contains the user-mode driver sources, and a \driver subdirectory contains the kernel-mode driver sources.

Within this chapter frequent reference is made to the user-mode and kernel-mode drivers for the Creative Labs Sound Blaster card. The kernel-mode driver is sndblst.sys. Two user-mode drivers call sndblst.sys: the standard audio driver, mmdrv.dll, handles MIDI input and output operations; a customized driver, sndblst.dll, handles waveform, mixer, synthesizer, and auxiliary I/O operations.