IN PCTSTR ClassName,
OUT LPGUID ClassGuidList,
IN DWORD ClassGuidListSize,
OUT PDWORD RequiredSize
SetupDiClassGuidsFromName retrieves the GUID(s) associated with the specified class name. This list is built based on the classes currently installed on the system.
Supplies the name of the class for which to retrieve the class GUID.
Supplies a pointer to an array to receive the list of GUIDs associated with the specified class name.
Supplies the number of GUIDs in the ClassGuidList array.
Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives the number of GUIDs associated with the class name. If this number is greater than the size of the ClassGuidList buffer, the number indicates how large the array must be in order to store all the GUIDs.
Return Value
The function returns TRUE if it is successful. Otherwise it returns FALSE and the logged error can be retrieved with a call to GetLastError.
See Also