1.9 Strings


Sets up the specified string in a buffer.


Sets up the specified ANSI string in a buffer.


Sets up the specified Unicode string in a buffer.


Returns the size in bytes required to hold a Unicode version of a given buffered ANSI string.


Converts a buffered ANSI string to a Unicode string, given a pointer to the source-string buffer and the address of caller-supplied storage for a pointer to the destination buffer. (This routine allocates a destination buffer if the caller does not supply the storage.)


Releases a buffer containing a Unicode string, given a pointer to the buffer returned by RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString.


Converts a buffered Unicode string to an ANSI string, given a pointer to the source-string buffer and the address of caller-supplied storage for a pointer to the destination buffer. (This routine allocates a destination buffer if the caller does not supply the storage.)


Releases a buffer containing an ANSI string, given a pointer to the buffer returned by RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString.


Concatenates a copy of a buffered Unicode string to a buffered Unicode string, given pointers to both buffers.


Concatenates a given input string to a buffered Unicode string, given a pointer to the buffer.


Either copies the source string to the destination, given pointers to both buffers, or sets the length of the destination string (but not the length of the destination buffer) to zero if the optional pointer to the source-string buffer is NULL.


Either copies the source string to the destination, given pointers to both buffers, or sets the length of the destination string (but not the length of the destination buffer) to zero if the optional pointer to the source-string buffer is NULL.


Returns TRUE if the given ANSI alphabetic strings are equivalent.


Returns TRUE if the given buffered strings are equivalent.


Compares two buffered, single-byte character strings and returns a signed value indicating whether they are equivalent or which is greater.


Compares two buffered Unicode strings and returns a signed value indicating whether they are equivalent or which is greater.


Converts a copy of a given buffered string to uppercase and stores the copy in the given destination buffer.


Converts a copy of a given buffered Unicode string to uppercase and stores the copy in the given destination buffer.


Converts a given unsigned integer value in the specified base to one or more Unicode characters in the given buffer.


RtlUnicodeStringToInteger converts a Unicode string representation of an integer into its integer equivalent.