Supporting Banked Frame Buffers

To reduce its size, a driver can be designed to implement the functions it can perform faster than GDI and have GDI perform all other operations. GDI can be used to draw directly to all standard 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32-bit-per-pixel bitmaps and it is common to have GDI do much of the drawing. This scheme allows a display driver to hook any call it can accelerate and let GDI handle all other calls. This type of GDI support works best when the entire frame buffer can be mapped linearly into the CPU's address space. However, GDI cannot directly access banked memory associated with a banked frame buffer. Consequently, the display driver must divide the frame buffer into a series of contiguous banks and provide a means for GDI to perform its draw operations to the appropriate frame buffer banks. That is, GDI is made to write data to one bank of the frame buffer before being moved to subsequent banks as necessary to complete the draw operation through a mechanism referred to as "banked callbacks."

Figure 5.3 shows that the accelerator's frame buffer, a 1024-by-768 VGA display buffer, is divided into several banks. In this example, the contents of the video memory are written to the accelerator through a series of draw operations that address contiguous banks of the frame buffer. As far as GDI is concerned, each of its draw operations appear to be to the standard frame buffer and not to different banks of the accelerator's frame buffer. The device driver for the accelerator handles the banking operations that cause GDI to draw to the accelerator's frame buffer on a bank by bank basis.

Figure 5.3 is provided for the purpose of illustration only. The display driver does not specifically use the physical address A000 but uses a logical address passed to it by the miniport driver.

Figure 5.3 Example of Mapping Video Memory to a Banked Frame Buffer

When an accelerator that employs a banked frame buffer is in use in a system, the frame buffer is a device-managed surface and so the display driver hooks the draw function calls. When the display driver hooks a call, such as draw path, fill path, or block transfer, it determines which banks in the frame buffer are affected by the called draw function.

If the driver elects to have GDI perform the draw function, the driver calls the appropriate EngXxx function. However, before making the call, the display driver must modify the clip and surface objects it received in the hooked call and pass these modified objects in the call back to GDI. The clip and surface objects are modified to prevent GDI from drawing beyond the extents of the bank. That is, if GDI is called to draw a path that exists partially in the next bank, and if there is no modification of the clip and surface objects, GDI will write to memory beyond the extents of the current bank. Attempts by GDI to draw outside the extents of the bank will result in access violations that may be difficult to track.

The example banked frame buffer in Figure 5.4 shows how an elliptical object drawn on the display spans two banks of the banked frame buffer, BANK_1 and BANK_2. For GDI to draw this object, it must be made to draw the top portion of the ellipse (appearing in BANK_1) to the standard frame buffer and then the lower portion of the ellipse to the same standard buffer. It is up to the device driver to map these two successive writes by GDI to BANK_1 and BANK_2 of the banked frame buffer for display and also prevent GDI from writing beyond the limits of each bank.

When performing banked frame buffering, the display driver can determine the bounds of the object (the size of the destination rectangle) by checking the parameters of the call or by calling back to GDI. From the bounds of the object, the driver can determine how many banks are spanned by the object. For every bank that the bounding rectangle touches, the display driver calls back to the appropriate GDI draw function, altering values for each call.

One set of values that need to be altered are members of the CLIPOBJ originally passed by GDI. Changes to this structure inform GDI of the bounds of the bank. That is, the top and bottom scan values that GDI must draw to are redefined so that it doesn't attempt to draw beyond the limits of the bank. The bank manager (bankmgr.c of the VGA64K driver) takes the original CLIPOBJ data obtained from GDI, saves the values away for later restoration, and alters the bounds values. The bounds are changed to provide new and rclBounds.bottom values that describe the extents of the bank being drawn to. That is, it is necessary during banking that GDI perform clipping to a size that avoids drawing the entire path and overwriting the limits of the current bank in the process.

Figure 5.4 Drawn Objects Span Multiple Banks in the Frame Buffer

If the original CLIPOBJ passed by GDI was defined as null or DC_TRIVIAL, the display driver passes a subsititute CLIPOBJ, created via EngCreateClip, that is modified to define a clip window and cause GDI to clip to the extents of a single bank. If the CLIPOBJ is complex, such as with a triangular-shaped clip object on top of the ellipse as shown in Figure 5.4, the display driver modifies the complex CLIPOBJ with the and rclBounds.bottom values so that there is an additive effect between the two clip objects. The net result is that GDI is prevented from writing off the end of the bank. The driver must also restore the original bounds of the CLIPOBJ data previously obtained from GDI.

In addition to altering the bounds values, the display driver sets the OC_BANK_CLIP flag in the clip object to inform GDI that this is a banked callback. The example code for this clipping operation is located in bankmgr.c of the VGA64K sample driver.

Not only does GDI need to be informed of the clipping required when drawing to the banked frame buffer, but it must also be made to draw with reference to the beginning of the standard frame buffer. When called to draw, GDI simply gets a pointer to a SURFOBJ which includes the pvScan0, lDelta, and iBitmapFormat members. GDI calculates where to draw on the surface by using these values as follows:

start_draw_point = pvScan0 + (y*lDelta) + (x*PixelSize(iBitmapFormat))

where x and y are coordinates at which drawing is to begin and start_draw_point is the address at which the address of the first pixel to be drawn. GDI performs this calculation on every drawing call and always references the SURFOBJ for pvScan0, which is the logical address for the start of the standard frame buffer.

To further illustrate, if it is the case that GDI needs to "draw" the entire contents of a 8 bits-per-pixel 64K frame buffer, beginning at a logical address of pvScan0 = 0x100000, it would end the draw operation at 0x10FFFF (0x100000 + (63*1024)+(1023)), where y is 63, lDelta is 1024, and x is 1023 (the position of the last pixel in the last scan line).

When the display driver next calls GDI to draw that part of the object that falls within the next bank of the banked frame buffer, the value of y, as far as GDI is concerned, is 64. With a value of 0x100000 for pvScan0 and and 64 for y, GDI would begin to write data at 0x110000 if allowed to. However, 0x110000 is beyond the 0x10FFFF extent of the 64K frame buffer and must not be written to by GDI during this operation.

Consequently, when the display driver wants GDI to write the data that is to appear in the second and subsequent banks of the frame buffer, the driver must decrement the value of pvScan0 so that the starting point calculated by GDI is still referenced to the example address of 0x100000. Continuing in the example, this means decrementing the value of pvScan0 to a value of 0x090000 when drawing to the second bank of the frame buffer. The net result of this pvScan0 alteration is that GDI still draws with reference to address 0x100000. That is, 0x090000 + (64*1024) + 0 is equal to 0x100000, which is where GDI is required to draw in order for the data to be mapped into the second bank of the frame buffer. The adjustment of pvScan0 can be found in vga64k\bankmgr.c.