Chapter 4 TDI Routines, Macros, and Callbacks

This summarizes the routines and requests particular to TDI transport drivers. It also summarizes callback routines exported by TDI kernel-mode clients, as well as the macros and TDI functions provided by the system for transports and clients to use.

See the following topics for summaries about each category of information:

·Transport Drivers

TDI Driver Initialization

TDI Driver Dispatch Routines

·The set of TDI-defined IOCTLs that kernel-mode clients can issue to their underlying transports

TDI IOCTL Requests

·The event handlers that clients can register with their underlying transports

TDI Client Callbacks

·The set of system-supplied functions and macros that TDI transports and their clients can use

TDI Library Functions and Macros

For more information about the sequence of interactions between TDI clients and transports when the preceding are used, see Chapter 5.

For detailed information about each request, macro, or routine, see the Network Driver Reference.