14.2.1 Using an IoTimer Routine
Any NT driver can have an IoTimer routine for any purpose the driver writer chooses. While the timer for the associated device object is enabled, the IoTimer routine is called approximately once per second.
The I/O Manager uses Kernel-defined timer object(s) to make calls to NT drivers' IoTimer routines. Consequently, the intervals at which any particular IoTimer routine is called ultimately depends on resolution of the system clock, so driver writers should not assume that an IoTimer routine will be called precisely on a one-second boundary.
Perhaps the most common use for an IoTimer routine is to time-out device I/O operations for the current IRP. Consider the following scenario for using an IoTimer routine for this purpose as a running timer within an NT device driver:
1.The DriverEntry routine initializes a timer counter in the device extension to minus one, indicating no current device I/O operations, and calls IoStartTimer just before it returns STATUS_SUCCESS.
Each time the IoTimer routine is called, it checks whether the timer counter is minus one, and, if so, returns control.
2.The driver's StartIo routine initializes the timer counter in the device extension to an upper limit, plus an additional second in case the IoTimer routine has just been run, before it calls KeSynchronizeExecution with a SynchCritSection_1 routine to program the physical device for the operation requested by the current IRP.
3.Each time the IoTimer routine is called, it checks whether the timer counter has been reset by the ISR to minus one, and, if so, returns control. If not, the IoTimer routine calls KeSynchronizeExecution with a SynchCritSection_2 routine that adjusts the timer counter by some driver-determined number of seconds.
4.The SynchCritSection_2 routine returns TRUE to the IoTimer routine as long as the current request has not yet timed out. If the timer counter goes to zero, the SynchCritSection_2 routine resets the timer counter to a driver-determined reset-time-out value, sets a reset-expected flag for itself (and for the DpcForIsr) in its context area, attempts to reset the device, and returns TRUE.
Note that the SynchCritSection_2 routine will be called again if its reset operation also times out on the device, when it returns FALSE. If its reset succeeds, the DpcForIsr routine determines that the device has been reset from the reset-expected flag and retries the request, repeating the actions of the StartIo routine as described in Step 2.
5.If the SynchCritSection_2 routine returns FALSE, the IoTimer routine assumes the physical device is in an unknown state because an attempt to reset it has already failed. In these circumstances, the IoTimer routine queues a CustomDpc routine and returns. This CustomDpc routine logs a device I/O error, calls IoStartNextPacket, fails the current IRP, and returns.
If this device driver's ISR resets the shared timer counter as described in Step 3 to minus one, the driver's DpcForIsr routine completes the interrupt-driven I/O processing of the current IRP. That is, this device I/O operation has not timed out, so the IoTimer routine makes no attempt to change the state of the timer counter.
Note that the preceding SynchCritSection_2 routine simply decrements the timer counter that this driver maintains in the device extension under most circumstances. Only if the current I/O operation has timed out, indicated when the timer counter goes to zero, does this routine attempt to reset the device. Only if an attempt to reset the device has already failed does the SynchCritSection_2 routine return FALSE to the IoTimer routine.
Consequently, both the preceding IoTimer routine and its helper SynchCritSection_2 routine take very little time to execute under normal circumstances. By using an IoTimer routine in this manner, such a device driver provides insurance that each valid device I/O request can be retried, if necessary, and that such an IRP will be failed by a CustomDpc routine only if an uncorrectable hardware failure prevents it from being satisfied. Moreover, the driver provides this functionality at very little cost in execution time.
However, the simplicity of the preceding scenario depends on a device that does only one operation at a time and on a driver that does not normally overlap I/O operations. A driver that carried out overlapped device I/O operations, or a higher-level driver that used an IoTimer routine to time out a set of driver-allocated IRPs sent to more than one chain of lower drivers, would have more complex time-out scenarios to manage.