The WODM_SETPITCH message requests a waveform output driver to set the specified device's pitch multiplier value.



Device identifier (0, 1, 2, and so on) for the target device.




Device instance identifier.


A DWORD containing the pitch multiplier value. This is specified as a fixed-point value, where the high-order word of the DWORD contains the signed integer part of the number, and the low-order word contains the fractional part. The fraction consists of a WORD value, for which 0x8000 represents one half, and 0x4000 represents one quarter. For example, the value 0x00010000 specifies a multiplier of 1.0 (no pitch change), and a value of 0x000F8000 specifies a multiplier of 15.5.


Not used.

Return Value

The driver should return MMSYSERR_NOERROR if the operation succeeds. Otherwise it should return one of the MMSYSERR or WAVERR error codes defined in mmsystem.h. See waveOutSetPitch return values in the Win32 SDK.


A client sends the WODM_SETPITCH message by calling the user-mode driver's wodMessage entry point, passing the specified parameters.

Support for the WODM_SETPITCH message by user-mode drivers is optional. If a driver supports the WODM_SETPITCH message, it must also support WODM_GETPITCH. Additionally, in response to a WODM_GETDEVCAPS message, it must set WAVECAPS_PITCH in the dwSupport member of the WAVEOUTCAPS structure.

Typically, the user-mode driver calls DeviceIoControl to send the kernel-mode driver an IOCTL_WAVE_SET_PITCH control code.

Note: The kernel-mode driver library, soundlib.lib, does not support pitch changes.