typedef struct _FD_DEVICEMETRICS {

    FLONG flRealizedType;

    POINTE pteBase;

    POINTE pteSide;

    LONG lD;

    FIX fxMaxAscender;

    FIX fxMaxDescender;

    POINTL ptlUnderline1;

    POINTL ptlStrikeout;

    POINTL ptlULThickness;

    POINTL ptlSOThickness;

    ULONG cxMax;

    ULONG cyMax;

    ULONG cjGlyphMax;

    FD_XFORM fdxQuantized;

    LONG lNonLinearExtLeading;

    LONG lNonLinearIntLeading;

    LONG lNonLinearMaxCharWidth;

    LONG lNonLinearAvgCharWidth;

    LONG alReserved[4];


The FD_DEVICEMETRICS structure is used to provide device-specific font information to GDI if the iMode parameter of the driver-supplied DrvQueryFontData function is QFD_MAXEXTENTS.



A combination of accelerator flags. This value can be a combination of the following values:

Flag Meaning
An accelerator for horizontal and vertical writing. If this flag is set, the font has constant height for all bitmaps. In the horizontal case, this means that the cy dimension is constant; in the vertical case, this means that the cx dimension is constant. This accelerator is not used for outlines.
This flag can be set only if FDM_TYPE_BM_SIDE_CONST is also set. If set, the font height (as defined above for horizontal and vertical writing) is equal to the sum of max ascender and max descender. This accelerator is not used for outlines.
An accelerator for horizontal and vertical writing. In the horizontal case, if this flag is set, each glyph’s advance width is equal to the cx dimension of the glyph bitmap; in the vertical case, if this flag is set, each glyph’s advance width is equal to the cy dimension of the glyph bitmap. This accelerator is not used for outlines.
If set, the a and c spacing is zero for all glyphs.
If set, the a and c spacing is constant for all glyphs.


Specifies the notional space unit vector along the font’s baseline, transformed to device space and then normalized.


Specifies a notional space unit vector perpendicular to the font’s baseline in the direction of the ascender, transformed to device space and then normalized. In notional space, baseline and ascender directions must be orthogonal, but in device space, pteBase and pteSide might or might not be orthogonal, depending on the Notional to Device space transform.


Specifies the advance width if the font is a fixed pitch (monospaced) font. If the font is a variable pitch font, this member should be set to zero.


Specifies the hinted maximum ascender height for this font instance, measured along pteSide.


Specifies the hinted maximum descender height for this font instance, measured along pteSide.


Specifies the hinted underline position for this font instance, relative to the glyph’s character origin.


Specifies the hinted strikeout position for this font instance, relative to the glyph’s character origin.


Specifies the hinted underline thickness for this font instance. This vector defines the side of the rectangle used to draw the underline. The base is implicitly defined by the baseline.


Specifies the hinted strikeout thickness for this font instance. This vector defines the side of the rectangle used to draw the strikeout. The base is implicitly defined by the baseline.


Specifies the hinted maximum glyph bitmap width, in pixels, for this font instance. Not used for outlines.


Specifies the hinted maximum glyph bitmap height, in pixels, for this font instance. Not used for outlines.


Specifies the hinted maximum size of a glyph, in pixels, for this font instance.


The font driver fills in the font transfomation that is actually used in the realization of the font. This may differ from the transformation requested by GDI as defined by the FONTOBJ__pxoGetXform().


Nonlinear external leading in 28.4 device units.


Nonlinear internal leading in 28.4 device units.


Nonlinear maximum character increment in 28.4 device units.


Nonlinear average character width in 28.4 device units.


Not used.


On input to the font provider, GDI sets all DWORD fields to 0xffffffff. The font provider is expected to overwrite a field if the corresponding quantity does not scale linearly under realization.

See Also
