Printer Commands

Printer commands and control values can be entered in any combination of the following formats:

Format Description
ASCII Enter literal ASCII characters
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal values are preceded by the backslash character: \x. For example, the hexadecimal value 0xFF is typed as \xFF.
Converted parameters Convert the minidriver parameters to a special format and send these parameters to the printer using a conversion character. Each conversion character is preceded by the % (percent) sign. The current conversion characters are as follows:

Character Description
%d Decimal value. For example, 12 is sent as 1 (31h) followed by 2 (32h).
%D Signed decimal value. This is the same as the %d character except it is preceded by a plus or minus sign.
%c Byte value. For example, 12 is sent as formfeed (0Ch).
%C Byte value with a zero added. For example, 6 is sent as \x36.
%l 16-bit value with the least significant byte first. For example, 12 is sent as Form Feed (0Ch) followed by null (00h).
%m 16-bit value with the most significant byte first. This is the same as %l except the order of the bytes is reversed.
%q Unique hexadecimal value formatted for Toshiba and Qume devices.