Testing Your Driver

The DDK includes several groups of tests from the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility Test (HCT) Suite. These tests are found in the \hct directory of the DDK CD-ROM. They can be installed by running setup.exe in that directory.

Setup installs the HCT testing shell and, optionally, several groups of tests that will exercise the system while loading your driver to help you uncover problem areas.

Many of the HCT tests are documented in the Programmer’s Guide topic of the DDK Help online documentation. A readme file in the \hct directory provides additional details about disk and hardware requirements, as well as more information on Setup and Install.

Note You should use the -ddk switch when using Setup to install the HCT tests. These tests should first be run using the checked build to aid driver debugging. They should be run again for final verification on the free build.

Microsoft Compatibility Labs (MCL) uses a superset of these tests to certify Windows NT-compliant drivers. Passing the included DDK HCT tests is a positive sign that your driver is stabilizing and nearly ready for certification.