Font Simulation Dialog Box

A number of sets of font simulation commands can be set up for the minidriver. To specify font simulation commands, select Font Info from the Printer Data menu on the minidriver’s Printer Data window. Then select FontSim to display the initial Font Simulation dialog box.

To select an existing set of font simulation commands, highlight the desired set of Font Simulation commands to edit on the minidriver’s Printer Data window. Then double click on the selection to display the Font Simulation dialog box.

A font-simulation is a capability of simulating italic, bold, underlined, strikeout, or white text from a normal device font. The Font Simulation dialog box identifies the font-simulation commands and data that your printer supports. Most printers provide at least some font simulations for device fonts. The font-simulation commands described in this topic are assumed to be applicable to all device fonts. There are two exceptions:

·A separate PFM file for fonts is defined in the minidriver.

·The fGeneral dialog box in the PFM file inhibits font simulations.

All font simulation is performed by the Windows NT GDI. As a result, none of the font simulation, except FS_OCD_WHITE_TEXT_ON and  FS_OCD_WHITE_TEXT_OFF are in use.

To enable the bold, italic, strikeout, and white font simulations for a single printer model, set the corresponding bits in the fGeneral dialog box in the MODELDATA data structure for each printer model.

The fGeneral button on the Font Simulation dialog box is not in use at this time and does not require entry.

When you finish entering data in the Font Simulation dialog box:

·Click the OK button to accept the additions or changes.

·Click the Add button to add an additional set of commands.

·Use the Previous or Next buttons to page to the preceding or next set of commands.

·Click the Delete button to delete a set of commands.


The FS_OCD_BOLD_ON command enables bold simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Emphasized Mode On command (escE).

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_BOLD_ON box:



HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Stroke Weight command (esc(snB) to specify the thickness of the strokes that compose a character. If n is -3, the stroke is thin; if n is 0, the stroke is normal; if n is 3, the stroke is bold.

Note When the TC_EA_DOUBLE box in the fText dialog box of the Model Data dialog box is not checked, RasDD does not perform bold simulations. The FS_OCD_BOLD_ON command is used to override the TC_EA_DOUBLE check box.

To specify the command that enables bold output, type the following in the FS_OCD_BOLD_ON box:




The FS_OCD_BOLD_OFF command disables bold simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Emphasized Mode Off command (escF).

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_BOLD_OFF box:



HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Stroke Weight command (esc(snB) to specify the thickness of the strokes that compose a character. If n is -3, the stroke is thin; if n is 0, the stroke is normal; if n is 3, the stroke is bold.

To specify the command that disables bold output, type the following in the FS_OCD_BOLD_OFF box:




The FS_OCD_ITALIC_ON command enables italic simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Italic Mode On command (esc4) to enable italic simulations.

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_ITALIC_ON box:



HP LaserJet IIP: Use the font-style command (esc(snS). If n is 1, the characters are italicized; if n is 0, the characters are plain text.

Note When the TC_IA_ABLE box in the fText dialog box of the Model Data dialog box is not checked, RasDD does not perform italic simulations. The FS_OCD_ITALIC_ON command is used to override the TC_IA_ABLE check box.

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_ITALIC_ON box:




The FS_OCD_ITALIC_OFF command disables italic simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Italic Mode Off command (esc5).

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_ITALIC_OFF box:



HP LaserJet IIP: Use the font-style command (esc(snS) to specify if the font is italicized or plain text. If n is 1, the characters are italicized; if n is 0, they are plain text.

To specify plain text, type the following in the FS_OCD_ITALIC_OFF box:




The FS_OCD_UNDERLINE_ON command enables underline simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Underline Mode command (esc-n) to enable and disable the underline font simulation. If n is 1, the font simulation is enabled; if n is 0, the font simulation is disabled.

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_UNDERLINE_ON box:



HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Underline command (esc&dnD) to enable fixed- and floating-position underlining. If n is 0, fixed-position underlining is enabled; if n is 1, floating-position underlining is enabled. RasDD performs underline simulations.

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_UNDERLINE_ON box:




The FS_OCD_UNDERLINE_OFF command disables underline simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Underline Mode command (esc-n) to enable and disable the underline font simulation. If n is 1, the font simulation is enabled; if n is 0, the font simulation is disabled.

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_UNDERLINE_OFF box:



HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Disable Underline command (esc&d@) to disable fixed- and floating-position underlining.

To specify the command, type the following in the FS_OCD_UNDERLINE_OFF box:




The FS_OCD_DOUBLEUNDERLINE_ON command enables double-underline simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support double-underlining. The FS_OCD_DOUBLEUNDERLINE_ON box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.


The FS_OCD_DOUBLEUNDERLINE_OFF command disables double-underline simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Des not support double-underlining. The FS_OCD_DOUBLEUNDERLINE_OFF box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.


The FS_OCD_STRIKETHRU_ON command enables the strikethrough simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support strikethrough text. The FS_OCD_STRIKETHRU_ON box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.


The FS_OCD_STRIKETHRU_OFF command disables the strikethrough simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support strikethrough text. The FS_OCD_STRIKETHRU_OFF box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.


The FS_OCD_WHITE_TEXT_ON command enables the white text simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support white text. The FS_OCD_WHITE_TEXT_ON box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.


The FS_OCD_WHITE_TEXT_OFF box command disables the white text simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support white text. The FS_OCD_WHITE_TEXT_OFF box is empty.

HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.


The FS_OCD_SINGLE_BYTE command ends KANJI mode.


The FS_OCD_DOUBLE_BYTE command starts KANJI mode.


The FS_OCD_VERT_ON command starts KANJI vertical mode.


The FS_OCD_VERT_OFF command ends KANJI vertical mode.


(not supported by Windows NT)


(not supported by Windows NT)


(not supported by Windows NT)