
LPMONITOREX InitializePrintMonitor(

    LPWSTR pRegistryRoot

InitializePrintMonitor initializes the print monitor.



Points to the null-terminated string that identifies the registry root at which the print monitor can store internal information. The spooler will clean up this registry path when the print monitor is deleted.

Return Value

Upon success, InitializePrintMonitor returns an initialized MONITOREX structure. If it fails, this function logs an error code and returns null.


The spooler calls InitializePrintMonitor to obtain a MONITOREX structure with initialized pointers to the functions that the monitor implements. The spooler uses these function pointers to make subsequent calls into the print monitor.

New port and language monitors must implement InitializePrintMonitor and export it for the spooler. InitializeMonitor and InitializeMonitorEx are supported for backward compatibility only.