New GDI Service Routines

The following table lists all engine functions that are new in the Windows NT 4.0 release, and provides a summary description for each function. The functions are ordered alphabetically. See the reference pages for detailed information.

New Engine Function Summary Description
EngAcquireSemaphore Acquires the resource associated with a semaphore for exclusive access by the calling thread.
EngAllocMem Allocates a block of memory from the system’s paged pool.
EngAllocUserMem Allocates a block of memory from the address space of the current process.
EngComputeGlyphSet Computes the glyph set of a code page supported on a device.
EngCreateSemaphore Creates a semaphore object.
EngDebugBreak Causes a breakpoint in the current process to occur.
EngDebugPrint Prints a debug message to the kernel debugger.
EngDeleteSemaphore Deletes a semaphore object from the system’s resource list.
EngDeviceIoControl Sends a control code to the video miniport driver, causing the device to perform the requested operation.
EngEnumForms Enumerates the forms supported by a printer.
EngFindImageProcAddress Returns the address of a function found within an executable module.
EngFindResource Determines the location of a resource in a module.
EngFreeMem Deallocates a block of system memory.
EngFreeModule Unmaps a file from system memory.
EngFreeUserMem Deallocates a block of user memory.
EngGetCurrentCodePage Returns the system’s default OEM and ANSI code pages.
EngGetDriverName Returns the name of the driver’s DLL.
EngGetFileChangeTime Returns the specified file’s last write time.
EngGetForm Gets FORM_INFO_1 details for a form.
EngGetLastError Gets the last error code logged by GDI for the calling thread.
EngGetPrinter Retrieves information about a printer.
EngGetPrinterData Retrieves configuration data for a printer.
EngGetPrinterDataFileName Retrieves the string name of a printer’s data file.
EngGetProcessHandle Retrieves a handle to the current client process.
EngGetType1FontList Retrieves a list of PostScript Type1 font
EngLineTo Draws a single solid integer-only cosmetic line.
EngLoadImage Loads an executable image into system memory.
EngLoadModule Loads an executable module into system memory as read-only.
EngLoadModuleForWrite Loads an executable module into system memory for writing.
EngMapFontFile Returns a pointer to the base location of the font data in a font file.
EngMapModule Returns the address and size of an executable file that was memory-mapped by EngLoadModule.
EngMarkBandingSurface Marks a surface as a banding surface.
EngMulDiv Performs a precision-preserved 32-bit multiplication and division.
EngMultiByteToUnicodeN Converts an ANSI string to a Unicode string.
EngProbeForRead Probes a structure for read accessibility.
EngProbeForReadAndWrite Probes a structure for read and write accessibility.
EngQueryLocalTime Queries the local time.
EngQueryPerformanceCounter Queries the performance counter.
EngQueryPerformanceFrequency Queries the frequency of the performance counter.
EngReleaseSemaphore Releases a semaphore.
EngSecureMem Secures an address range in memory.
EngSetPrinterData Sets the configuration data for a printer.
EngSort Performs a quick sort on a list.
EngUnicodeToMultiByteN Converts a Unicode string to an ANSI string.
EngUnloadImage Unloads an image loaded by EngLoadModule.
EngUnmapFontFile Unmaps a font file from system memory.
EngUnsecureMem Unlocks an address range that is locked down in memory.
EngWideCharToMultiByte Converts a wide character string into an ANSI source string using the specified code page.
EngWritePrinter Provides the spooler with data that needs to be written to a printer.
FLOATOBJ_Xxx, XFORMOBJ_iGetFloatObjXform Allow graphics drivers to emulate floating point arithmetic. These services must be used on Windows NT systems that do not support kernel-mode floating point operations.
STROBJ_dwGetCodePage Returns the code page associated with the specified STROBJ.