The following table lists all engine functions that are new in the Windows NT 4.0 release, and provides a summary description for each function. The functions are ordered alphabetically. See the reference pages for detailed information.
New Engine Function | Summary Description |
EngAcquireSemaphore | Acquires the resource associated with a semaphore for exclusive access by the calling thread. |
EngAllocMem | Allocates a block of memory from the system’s paged pool. |
EngAllocUserMem | Allocates a block of memory from the address space of the current process. |
EngComputeGlyphSet | Computes the glyph set of a code page supported on a device. |
EngCreateSemaphore | Creates a semaphore object. |
EngDebugBreak | Causes a breakpoint in the current process to occur. |
EngDebugPrint | Prints a debug message to the kernel debugger. |
EngDeleteSemaphore | Deletes a semaphore object from the system’s resource list. |
EngDeviceIoControl | Sends a control code to the video miniport driver, causing the device to perform the requested operation. |
EngEnumForms | Enumerates the forms supported by a printer. |
EngFindImageProcAddress | Returns the address of a function found within an executable module. |
EngFindResource | Determines the location of a resource in a module. |
EngFreeMem | Deallocates a block of system memory. |
EngFreeModule | Unmaps a file from system memory. |
EngFreeUserMem | Deallocates a block of user memory. |
EngGetCurrentCodePage | Returns the system’s default OEM and ANSI code pages. |
EngGetDriverName | Returns the name of the driver’s DLL. |
EngGetFileChangeTime | Returns the specified file’s last write time. |
EngGetForm | Gets FORM_INFO_1 details for a form. |
EngGetLastError | Gets the last error code logged by GDI for the calling thread. |
EngGetPrinter | Retrieves information about a printer. |
EngGetPrinterData | Retrieves configuration data for a printer. |
EngGetPrinterDataFileName | Retrieves the string name of a printer’s data file. |
EngGetProcessHandle | Retrieves a handle to the current client process. |
EngGetType1FontList | Retrieves a list of PostScript Type1 font |
EngLineTo | Draws a single solid integer-only cosmetic line. |
EngLoadImage | Loads an executable image into system memory. |
EngLoadModule | Loads an executable module into system memory as read-only. |
EngLoadModuleForWrite | Loads an executable module into system memory for writing. |
EngMapFontFile | Returns a pointer to the base location of the font data in a font file. |
EngMapModule | Returns the address and size of an executable file that was memory-mapped by EngLoadModule. |
EngMarkBandingSurface | Marks a surface as a banding surface. |
EngMulDiv | Performs a precision-preserved 32-bit multiplication and division. |
EngMultiByteToUnicodeN | Converts an ANSI string to a Unicode string. |
EngProbeForRead | Probes a structure for read accessibility. |
EngProbeForReadAndWrite | Probes a structure for read and write accessibility. |
EngQueryLocalTime | Queries the local time. |
EngQueryPerformanceCounter | Queries the performance counter. |
EngQueryPerformanceFrequency | Queries the frequency of the performance counter. |
EngReleaseSemaphore | Releases a semaphore. |
EngSecureMem | Secures an address range in memory. |
EngSetPrinterData | Sets the configuration data for a printer. |
EngSort | Performs a quick sort on a list. |
EngUnicodeToMultiByteN | Converts a Unicode string to an ANSI string. |
EngUnloadImage | Unloads an image loaded by EngLoadModule. |
EngUnmapFontFile | Unmaps a font file from system memory. |
EngUnsecureMem | Unlocks an address range that is locked down in memory. |
EngWideCharToMultiByte | Converts a wide character string into an ANSI source string using the specified code page. |
EngWritePrinter | Provides the spooler with data that needs to be written to a printer. |
FLOATOBJ_Xxx, XFORMOBJ_iGetFloatObjXform | Allow graphics drivers to emulate floating point arithmetic. These services must be used on Windows NT systems that do not support kernel-mode floating point operations. |
STROBJ_dwGetCodePage | Returns the code page associated with the specified STROBJ. |