Introduction to VCUser.lib

The VCUser.lib library exports a set of functions that provide a convenient interface between a user-mode video capture driver and its kernel-mode counterpart. If you link your user-mode driver with VCUser.lib, your driver can easily communicate with a kernel-mode driver that is using VCKernel.lib, the companion library for kernel-mode video capture drivers.

The VCUser.lib library is typically used by:

·User-mode video capture drivers that support the user-mode video capture driver messages.

·User-mode video codecs that support output operations by making use of decompressing hardware. An example driver is the sample msyuv.dll driver provided with the Windows NT DDK. For more information about video codecs, see Video Compression Manager Drivers.

Typically, VCUser.lib library functions communicate with a kernel-mode driver by calling the DeviceIoControl function, described in the Win32 SDK, to send I/O control codes to the driver. Your driver typically calls VCUser.lib functions in response to the receipt of standard driver messages or user-mode video capture driver messages.

To use VCUser.lib with your user-mode driver

1.Include vcuser.h and vcstruct.h in your driver.

2.Link your driver with VCUser.lib.