User-Mode Video Capture Driver Messages

The following table lists the messages that the DriverProc function in a user-mode video capture driver can receive, along with the operation the driver performs when it receives each message. Message definitions are contained in msviddrv.h and msvideo.h.

Message Operation Performed by Driver
DVM_CONFIGURESTORAGE Saves or restores configuration information.
DVM_DIALOG Displays a dialog box to obtain configuration information.
DVM_DST_RECT Sets or retrieves destination rectangle parameters.
DVM_FORMAT Sets or retrieves video-capture format parameters.
DVM_FRAME Transfers data from the frame buffer.
DVM_GET_CHANNEL_CAPS Returns channel capabilities.
DVM_GETERRORTEXT Returns the text string associated with an error number.
DVM_GETVIDEOAPIVER Returns the video API version used by the driver.
DVM_PALETTE Sets or retrieves a logical palette.
DVM_PALETTERGB555 Sets a logical palette and an RGB555 translation table.
DVM_SRC_RECT Sets or retrieves source rectangle parameters.
DVM_STREAM_ADDBUFFER Adds a data buffer to a capture stream.
DVM_STREAM_FINI Terminates a capture stream.
DVM_STREAM_GETERROR Returns a stream’s error status.
DVM_STREAM_GETPOSITION Returns the current position within a capture stream.
DVM_STREAM_INIT Initializes a capture stream.
DVM_STREAM_PREPAREHEADER Prepares a data buffer.
DVM_STREAM_RESET Stops and resets a capture stream.
DVM_STREAM_START Starts a capture stream.
DVM_STREAM_STOP Stops a capture stream.
DVM_STREAM_UNPREPAREHEADER Removes preparation from a data buffer.
DVM_UPDATE Updates a screen overlay area.