Registering the Driver (Not Required for Application-Based Intercepts)
If you are writing application-based intercepts, RegisterModule loads and installs the 32-bit VDD. In this case, you do not need to follow the installation procedures described in this section.
The registry contains information for loading and configuring your driver. Each VDD for VDM-based intercepts must be identified under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet \Control \VirtualDeviceDrivers. The value entry of the key is an array of zero-terminated strings terminated by two null characters ( REG_MULTI_SZ format). Each substring specifies a full path name to a VDD the system loads when the VDM process is initialized. The format of the registry entry is shown as follows:
VDD = <full-path of the VDD1.DLL>\0<full-path of the VDD2.DLL>\0\0
Your application installation program can use the registry API functions, such as RegSetValue, to modify the required registry entry to enable your VDD, or you can require the user or system administrator to modify the entry with regedt32.exe.
The RegSetValue function and REG_MULTI_SZ format are described in the Win32 SDK.