
VOID HwVidTimer(

    PVOID HwDeviceExtension

HwVidTimer is an optional miniport driver function to which calls are enabled and disabled with VideoPortStartTimer and VideoPortStopTimer, respectively.



Points to the miniport’s per-adapter storage area.


Any miniport driver can have a HwVidTimer function at the discretion of the driver designer. For example, a HwVidTimer function could be used to read the state of the “VGA” registers on a high-end video adapter so that the miniport can emulate VGA-compatible behavior on an as-needed basis.

After a call to VideoPortStartTimer, the video port driver calls a miniport’s HwVidTimer function approximately once each second until the miniport calls VideoPortStopTimer.

The HwVidTimer function can disable the timer with a call to VideoPortStopTimer. Another miniport function can re-enable the timer later with a call to VideoPortStartTimer.

See Also

VideoPortStartTimer, VideoPortStopTimer