
VOID VideoPortLogError(

    PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
   PVIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET Vrp, /* optional */
   VP_STATUS ErrorCode,
   ULONG UniqueId

VideoPortLogError logs errors to the system event log when a miniport driver detects a hardware error condition during I/O operations.



Points to the miniport driver’s device extension.


Points to the video request packet if one is associated with the error. Otherwise, this parameter is NULL.


Specifies a miniport-defined error code indicating the type of hardware error.


Specifies a unique identifier for the error. This value differentiates the current error from other errors with the same ErrorCode. For some miniport drivers, this identifies the line of code where the error was detected; for others, it is a value returned by the hardware.


Miniport drivers should call VideoPortLogError to notify the user if the driver encounters unusual hardware errors during normal operations. Posting such errors to the system event log warns the user that the video adapter might be failing so the user can replace (or reconfigure) the adapter before a total hardware failure occurs.

However, miniport drivers should not log errors, such as “failed to detect hardware,” that occur frequently during normal operation.

VideoPortLogError can be called from a miniport’s HwVidInterrupt or HwVidSynchronizeExecutionCallback function.

See Also
