
VOID VideoPortFreeDeviceBase(

    PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
   PVOID MappedAddress

VideoPortFreeDeviceBase frees a range of bus-relative device I/O ports or memory addresses previously mapped into the system address space by calling VideoPortGetDeviceBase.



Points to the miniport driver’s device extension.


Specifies the base address of the mapped range to be freed. This value must be the same as the value returned by a preceding call to VideoPortGetDeviceBase.


VideoPortFreeDeviceBase must be called from the miniport’s HwVidFindAdapter function if the miniport has already mapped an address range for an adapter it cannot support or does not use any longer.

When this occurs, the miniport also must release its claim on the corresponding hardware resources in the registry. To release all claims on resources for a particular adapter, call VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges or VideoPortGetAccessRanges with the NumAccessRanges parameter set to zero. To release claims on selected access ranges, do the following:

1.Modify the access ranges array of claimed bus-relative ranges for the adapter by setting the appropriate elements’ RangeLength(s) to zero. Leave the current specification as is in all elements on which the miniport will not release its claims.

2.Call VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges with this modified AccessRanges array.

See Also

HwVidFindAdapter, VideoPortGetAccessRanges, VideoPortGetDeviceBase, VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges