2.0 Other Online Documents

The following table describes other online documents that contain important information about files available with the Windows NT Server Resource Kit.

Document Description


AUDITCAT.HLPHelp file for audit categories from the Event Viewer

COUNTERS.HLPHelp file containing Performance Monitor Counter Definitions

HCLNT4.HLPThe Hardware Compatibility List, describing all hardware that has been tested and found compatible with Windows NT version 4.0 as of August, 1996

INTERNET.HLPThe online Help version of the printed Windows NT Server Internet Guide

NETWORK.HLPThe online Help version of the printed Windows NT Server Networking Guide

NTCARD40.HLPAdapter card Help, describing hardware settings for many Windows NT-compatible sound cards, network adapters, and SCSI adapters

NTEVNTLG.MDBAn Access database file containing the Windows NT Event Log messages

NTMSGS.HLPWindows NT Messages Help file for Windows NT version 4.0. This file replaces the Windows NT Messages Access database file that shipped in previous versions of this Resource Kit.

NTRKSUP1.HLPThe online Help version of the printed Windows NT Server Resource Kit Supplement 1 book

NTRKSUP2.HLPThe online Help book for Windows NT Server Resource Kit Supplement 2, which does not have a printed book. This includes new documentation on PPTP and RAS.

OS2API.TXTA list of compatible APIs in the OS/2 subsystem

POSIX.DOCDocumentation for the POSIX utilities, whose source is located on the Resource Kit CD in the \SOURCE\GNU\POSIX subdirectory

REGENTRY.HLPThe Windows NT Registry Entries online Help file, with parameters and usage information about the important values for services, devices, drivers, and software

RESGUIDE.HLPThe online Help version of the printed Windows NT Server Resource Guide

RIPROUTE.WRIDocumentation on routing with Windows NT Server

RKINET.HLPA Help file consisting of jumps to useful Windows NT and Resource Kit information on the Internet

RKTOOLS.HLPHelp for the Resource Kit utilities, describing the required files, syntax, and other usage issues, along with examples for using these tools

WINLOGO.DOCThe Designed for Windows NT and Windows 95 Logo Handbook

WORKSTN.HLPThe online Help version of the printed Windows NT Workstation Resource Guide