The following tags apply to directories :
Directory TagMeaning
(blank)A normal directory.
*MISMATCH This source directory corresponds to a destination file of the same name.
It cannot be processed. Housekeeping of the destination is recommended.
*EXTRA Dir The directory exists in the destination but not the source (an Extra dir).
Some housekeeping of the destination tree may be required.
lonely The directory exists in the source but not the destination (a Lonely dir).
The directory is skipped because /XL was used. To process this, omit /XL.
named The directory is skipped because it was named in the Exclude Dirspecs. To process this directory, amend the Exclude Dirspecs following /XD.
Just before Robocopy terminates, it outputs a summary of its activities during the run to its console window (or disk file if redirected) in the following format:
Total Copied Skipped Mismatch FAILED Extras Dirs : 75 0 75 0 0 0 Files : 960 13 947 0 0 1 Bytes : 19.8 m 190.0 k 19.6 m 0 0 12.5 k Times : 0:16.914 0:03.504 0:00.000 0:13.410This summarises the volume of data processed. The first column shows the total number of files and directories processed and the total size of files matching the Include Filespecs in the source. The other columns provide a breakdown of these grand totals as follows:
Copied:subtotals for directories created and files actually copied.
Skipped:subtotals for directories walked but not created, and files skipped.
Mismatch:subtotals for Mismatched files and directories.
FAILED:subtotals for items not processed successfully within the retry limit.
Extras:subtotals for items present in the destination but not the source.
The second section of the summary provides timing information for the run. Total time should be self-explanatory. This is broken down as follows:
Copied:time spent actually copying files, but excluding retry wait times.
FAILED:time spent waiting between retries for failed operations.
Extra:time spent scanning directories, and doing everything else.
Large times in the FAILED column usually indicate that network problems were experienced.