Use within a Unix Shell

All Robocopy switches can be specified Unix-style (e.g. you can use -ETA instead of /ETA), and source and destination directory paths can be specified using the Unix-style delimiter "/" rather than the native Windows-style delimiter "\".

The only restriction is that any argument that starts with a "/" is taken to be a switch if it only contains a single "/". Thus //server/share/dir and /download/test are treated as paths, but /dir is treated as a switch. This is to avoid any possible confusion between switches and single-level paths subordinate to the root of a drive. To specify such a directory as an argument, use an alternate expression for its path, such as X:/dir or //server/C$/dir.

Use with Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5x

Robocopy is a Unicode application, and will not run under Windows 95, because Windows 95 does not provide full Unicode support.

Also, Robocopy uses the new CopyFileEx() Win32 API, which is specific to Windows NT 4.0, and therefore will not run under Windows NT 3.5x.

Walking a Directory Tree

By default Robocopy will only process the single source directory specified on the command line. To process the whole directory tree beneath the source directory, you should use the /S switch or the /E switch. Both these options will walk the source tree, the only difference being that /S will refrain from creating new empty directories in the destination tree.