Using DNS Manager to Configure Zones and Create DNS Resource Records

DNS Manager is automatically added to Administrative Tools on the Program menu when you install Microsoft DNS server on a computer running Windows NT Server 4.0. You use DNS Manager to administer local and remote Microsoft DNS servers and to create the resource records that provide name resolution information and support connectivity for remote users on the Internet and TCP/IP intranets.

Û To start DNS Manager

1. Click the Start button.

2. Point to Programs.

3. Point to Administrative Tools.

4. Click DNS Manager.

The tasks you can perform using DNS Manager include the following:

Adding DNS servers for local server, remote server, and virtual server management.

Configuring server properties.

Configuring primary and secondary zones.

Configuring transfer of data between primary and secondary zones. Such transfer of data is referred to as a zone transfer.

Adding A (address) records with host name-to-IP address mappings for computers in the zone that are assigned static IP addresses. For more information on different resource record types, see Table 2.1, "DNS Resource Record Types," later in this chapter.

Adding PTR (pointer) records with IP address - to - host name mappings. (Each PTR record must have a corresponding A record and vice versa.)

Adding CNAME (alias), MX (mail exchange), and other resource records as needed.

Monitoring usage of DNS servers by using DNS Manager statistics.

Editing and maintaining zone configurations and resource records as needed.

For a more complete list of the tasks and procedures you can perform by using DNS Manager, see the "How To" topic in Microsoft DNS Manager Help.


You cannot administer or create resource records on non-Microsoft DNS servers by using DNS Manager. To administer such records, use a text editor or the tool provided by the non-Microsoft DNS server.

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