Configuring to Avoid Error 2140 When Starting an Exchange Server

You might receive the following error message when starting the Internet Mail Connector service on the computer configured with Microsoft Exchange Server:

Stop "Could not start the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector

service on ..."

Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occurred.

If so, the following event will be logged in the event viewer:

EventID 4058

Category: Initialization/Termination

This error occurs when the TCP/IP protocol properties for DNS name resolution are not properly configured, for example when there is a blank entry for the DNS domain name.

Û To configure a DNS domain name

1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

2. Double-click the Network icon, click the Protocols tab, in the Network Protocols list click TCP/IP Protocol, and then click Properties.

3. To display the DNS information configured on the computer, click the DNS tab.

4. In the Domain box, type the DNS domain name (that is, the name of the enterprise in which the Microsoft Exchange server exists).

5. Click OK, click OK again, and then close Control Panel.