Using Performance Monitor to Monitor IIS Threads

You can use Performance Monitor to monitor the threads in the Internet Information Server process. The following table lists the Performance Monitor counters that monitor threads. These counters are included in IISProc.pmw. You can add to this list any counters you will use to associate numbers of threads with performance, such as HTTP Service: Current Connections, HTTP Service: Bytes/sec, or Server: Logon/sec.

Table 6.4 Performance Monitor Counters for Monitoring IIS Threads



Process: Thread Count: Inetinfo

The number of threads created by the process. This counter does not indicate which threads are busy and which are idle.

This counter displays the last observed value, not an average.

Thread: % Processor Time: Inetinfo => Thread #

How much processor time each thread of the Inetinfo process is using. If a log of this counter over time shows that threads are consistently idle, it may be prudent to reduce the number of threads per processor.

Thread: Context Switches/sec: Inetinfo => Thread #

How many times the threads of the IIS service are switched on to and off of a processor. This counter is an indicator of the activity of the threads of the IIS service process.