Changing IIS Parameters to Address Connection Problems

If your estimates indicate the bandwidth of your Internet connection is inadequate to service your remote users, you can change specific parameters in the Registry in response. Internet Information Server contains four Registry subkeys, one subkey for each IIS service. The IIS services are the following:



WWW (World Wide Web)

Inetsrv (Internet Information Server)

The parameters for each service are located in the key:


In the previous key, ServiceName refers to the name of the particular IIS service whose parameters you want to change.

The value of the Registry parameter MaxConnections specifies a maximum number of simultaneous connections with an installation default value of 1,000 simultaneous connections. One MaxConnections parameter is located under each ServiceName key. To optimize the available bandwidth on your Internet Information Server, you can change this parameter to allow more or fewer simultaneous connections.

The value of the Registry parameter BandwidthLevel specifies the amount of network bandwidth that can be used by IIS services. Internet Information Server includes an automatic bandwidth service that monitors client connections and adjusts up or down depending on the amount of network bandwidth the services use. Such adjustment prevents IIS services from overwhelming the network bandwidth.

By default, the BandwidthLevel parameter is not started. To start the bandwidth throttler, which BandwidthLevel controls, you must change the installation default behavior. This is done by changing the value of the BandwidthLevel parameter.

Use the Internet Service Manager to change the value of the BandwidthLevel parameter without having to stop and start the server. You can also use a Registry editor (Regedit or Regedt32) to manually change the value of this parameter. The server should be stopped and restarted if you use a Registry editor. For additional information, see Chapter 7, "Monitoring Bandwidth and Network Capacity," and the online Microsoft Windows NT Server Resource Kit: Windows NT Server Internet Guide.


To add or modify a Registry value entry, use admininstrative tools such as Control Panel or System Policy Editor whenever possible. Using a Registry editor (Regedit or Regedt32) to change a value can have unforeseen effects, including changes that can prevent you from starting your system.