Ordering ISDN Service

ISDN is a powerful but complex service and is not yet available throughout the United States. For this reason, getting ISDN can sometimes be confusing or frustrating. Microsoft provides an online service that can guide you through the ordering process. This service and useful information is available for computers running Windows-based operating systems. This service can simplify and streamline the process of getting ISDN for your Windows-based computer, by helping you:

Identify which telephone companies offer ISDN. Most but not all telephone companies offer this service.

Check whether the necessary ISDN equipment is installed in your area.

Learn about the ISDN service options and pricing in your area.

Send an electronic order for ISDN to your telephone company.

Automatically tell the phone company how to configure your ISDN line.

To use this online service, connect to the Microsoft World Wide Web site at: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/getisdn.


Even if the right equipment is installed in your area, ISDN may not be available. To determine whether your particular wiring supports ISDN, your telephone company must perform what is known as a line qualification.