MS Windows NT Resource Kit - Supplement 1

This book is dedicated to all who use and support Windows NT Server version 4.0.

Contributors to this book include the following:

Documentation Manager

Ken Western

Writing Manager

Peggy Etchevers

Technical Writers

June Blender Cahn, Maureen Carmichael, Peter Costantini, Jeff Howard, Jan Jolan James, Mitch Kief, Edward Lafferty, Cary Reinstein, Kate Robinson, Maureen Sullivan

Managing Editor

Sonia Marie Moore

Editing Lead

Shelly Hawkins

Technical Editors

Stephanie Briner, Miriam Harline, Kate Robinson, Sharon Schenck

Production Manager

Karye Cattrell

Production Lead

Nikole Faith

Production Team

Jay French, Cathy Pfarr, Jane Dow

Lead Graphic Designer

Chris Blanton

Design Support Team

Gabriel Varela, Sue Wyble, Jan Yeager

Software Program Manager

Ryan Marshall

Lead Software Developer

Martin Holladay

Software Tester

Cliff Hudson

Product Support Liaison

Todd Hafer

Technical Consultants

Reza Baghai, Bill Blomgren, Carl Calvello, Arren Conner, Lance Craig, Denise Y. Deng, Jerry Gallagher, James Gilroy, Scott Harrison, Chris Hawkins, Vic Horne, Joseph Hughes, Neel Jain, Murali Krishnan, Stuart Kwan, Edward Lafferty, Richard Lerz, David MacDonald, Rachid Ouchou, Cary Reinstein, Bob Ripley, Christophe Roberts, Bart Robertson, Craig Robicheaux, Rodger Seabourne, Nk Srinivas, Scott Suhy, David Treadwell, Brad Waters, Lester Waters, David Wohlferd, and numerous other hardworking Windows NT Developers, Program Managers, and Product Support Specialists

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