Access to the Perflib Subkeys

After a Performance Monitor user is connected to the Registry of the computer to be monitored, that user needs at least read access to the subkeys that Performance Monitor uses on the remote computer.

The system uses the ACL for the Perflib/LanguageID subkey to determine who has access to Performance Monitor data in the Registry, where Language ID is the numeric code for the spoken language installed with Windows NT. The Perflib\LanguageID subkey is located in the following Registry path:

\Windows NT

By default, the Everyone group has read access to the Perflib/LanguageID subkey. However, you might need to give a user permission to read the Perflib\LanguageID subkey permissions if default permissions on the computer being monitored have been changed.

Û To give a user permission to read the Perflib\LanguageID subkey

1. Start Regedt32 on the computer to be monitored.

2. Click the LanguageID subkey to select it.

3. On the Security menu, click Permissions.

The ACL for the subkey appears in the Registry Key Permissions dialog box.

4. If necessary, click Add to add the user to the ACL and grant read access. For detailed instructions, click the Help button in the Registry Key Permissions dialog box.

5. To check the ACL for each subkey in the path to the LanguageID subkey, click Permissions on the Security menu. Verify that the user has read access to all subkeys in the path. Add read access to any ACLs that do not otherwise
permit it.